Says The Villain

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Bakugos pov:

As we get dressed, we hear a knock at the door.
"Y'all finish your make-up sex and get your asses in the bar." Dabi yells.

"Fucking creep." Toga screams.
I take her hand and she follows me to the bar, where the whole league waits for us. We sit down next to each other.

Shigaraki explains the plan for the attack on the yakuza we talked about earlier, nothing too exciting. After some time of explaining he looks at us.
"From what I heard you solved your problem, am I right?"
Himiko nods proudly.

I should leave, shouldn't I?
After what felt like an hour the gathering was over.
Again I find myself next to Toga, sitting at the bar.
Since Shigaraki prohibited us to drink alcohol this evening, we ordered cherry juice and chatted.
Every now and then I notice Dabi looking at us, since he still wanted to know what our fight earlier was about.

"I hope that I'll get to see you with some blood on you." Himiko whispers in my ear.

Hopefully not.
"Kinky." I smile.
I see Dabi looking at us again.
I glance back at him.
As soon as the girl notices, she grabs my face and forces me to look at her.

"Don't start a fight now."

"Whatever you say." I roll my eyes. She gives me a short kiss on the lips.

"Let's go to my room." she stands up. I follow her to her room and she locks the door behind us. I lay down on the bed and yawn. She lays down next to me and covers us with a blanket. I feel her arms wrap around me, as her lips leave a kiss on my cheek. We stay quiet for a minute.
"It was my first time."

"Mine aswell." I admit.
I stroke over her collarbone.

"Damn, I missed out on calling you a fucking virgin." she laughs.

"Who are you calling a virgin, bitch."

"Oh,wanna fight?" the female grins.
I look at her without saying a word.

"I love you." I break the silence.
The grip around me tightens. I lift her chin with my thumb to make her look at me aswell.

"Will you try to escape? Not much time left to make that decision, if you haven't already." she pushes my thumb away and looks away again.

She didn't forget about it.
"I don't know."

"So, you're just gonna fuck me and tell me you love me and think about leaving a day later?" she sits up.

"Y'all kidnapped me! I actually wanted to become a hero." I get louder and sit up aswell.

"Heroes are cruel!" the girl yells.

"Says the villain."
We stay quiet for a while.

Togas pov:

You won't leave. I won't let you. Not for you to be a hero.
"Why did you want to become a pro hero?"

"Because of All Might. I was inspired by how he would win and help people with a smile on his face. I know that he just pretended though." he looks at me.

"You could do all of that as a villain aswell. Especially with the help of the League."

"Society would fear me."

"No, people would love you. It depends on how you act as a villain. If you rob small shops, they'll fear you. On the other hand, fighting against the Yakuza will make them admire you. You also agreed to what Shigaraki said." I try to convince him.
We stay quiet for a while again. After some time he lays down.

"Good night." he says and turns away.

"I love you too." I whisper, doing the same.

Timeskip//the next morning

My eyes open. I look around, but the boy who slept next to me disappeared.
Where's that asshole?
I get up and look around the building.
I end up finding him at the bar, taking a sip from his beer at 10 am.
What in the world.
"You look very german right now." I sit down next to him.

"You look like a bitch right now." he rolls his eyes.
Kurogiri looks at us concerned, but decides to ignore it.

"You didn't solve your problem there, did you?" Dabi, who I didn't even see until now, speaks up.

"Still no decision?" I whisper. He swallows a big sip.
"I see."

"I know it ain't my business, but didn't crusty tell you not to drink shit." Dabi mentions.
I grab Katsukis hand to calm him down. To my surprise he doesn't pull his away.

I'll at least give him the chance to think about it.
I kiss his lips.
"We'll leave in a few hours. If you need anything specific let me know. I'll be upstairs." I tell him and let go of his hand. As I stand up and turn around he grabs my hand again.

"Imma need warm clothes." he joins me on the way to my room.

"Sure thing. You should know where to get clothes by now though."

"I also know where those clothes land at night." he jokes.

"Horny ass motherfucker." I complain.
He wouldn't say that if he'd leave, right?
With that our ways separate. The boy leaves to get clothes as I head to my room.
His mood changes so quickly.
I clean my equipment and secure my knifes on my thighs.

"Can I help you with anything?" I hear Katsuki ask me. I look at him and shake my head. He changed into a black, long sleeved top and baggy camouflage pants, not too different from what he usually wears.
He comes closer and hugs me from behind. I give him a kiss on the cheek.

He's so touchy and happy. Maybe just because of the mission? He has to be excited.

"I love you." he says, placing his head on my shoulder, his hands around my waist.

"Please don't tell me you'll try to leave." I think out loud.

Editors note: Hii!! Thank y'all for reading!! Appreciate the feedback! Idk not too happy with the chapter tbh, but what can I say,,,
Uh also sorry for not updating, I was uhhh busy and def not unmotivated or anything./s
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