🍋I Love You🍋

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Togas pov:

Katsuki stays quiet.
"No response, huh? Are you just gonna-"
I get interrupted by a hand covering my mouth.

"I said shut the fuck up, Idiot." he explains his action.

You wish.
I bite his hand.

"Bitch." he says more or less calm, obviously trying to hide the pain as he pulls his hand back.

"Only for you, my beloved." I chuckle and push him down on the bed. As I hover over him, he places his hands on my waist.

"Brat." he says before lifting his head to kiss me. After Katsuki wins the fight of dominance our tounges signed out, I start to choke him.
"Knife." he demands.

I sigh.
"Why can't you just let me have my fun?" I mourn.

"You're gonna have your fun." as he says that, he shoves me to the side and gets on top of me.

"Now I'm curious." I exclaim while handing him my knife.
As soon as he grabs it, my hand gets pressed to the side and I feel the blade on my throat.
"I could get used to that." I say excited.
We start kissing again.
After a few minutes of making out, I feel the knife pressed against my skin. A gasp escapes my mouth at the added pressure and I look at the boy. His crimson red eyes glance in mine satisfied.
He turns to the side to place the knife on the nightstand. I take off my top and throw it away.
As the boy turns back he looks me in my eyes. I tug at his shirt. He gets the hint and takes it off aswell.
My hand travels down his chest.
The blonde smiles at me. He starts kissing my neck, which makes me moan quietly. As he sucks on my skin, I put my hand on his back and dig my nails in it, causing him to groan.
I feel a hand opening my bra. Before I could realize that the boy took it off, I hear it meet the ground. He takes my right boob and squeezes it a little. I moan louder. After placing two hickeys on my neck, his kisses proceed to go downwards. He stops in front of my skirt.
"Go ahead, take it off." I smile. He nods and does as I say. I pull down his pants and let them hit the ground. He continues what he was doing and kisses my inner thighs. I grab his hair, as a third hickey gets positioned between my legs. After he did that, he gets up again and hovers over me.

"You're beautiful." his eyes scan my body.

"Tzz, that's so cheesy." we laugh and I pull his face closer to mine.
"You're so fucking hot." I whisper in his ear.
Even without blood on him.
I blush and put my hand on his crotch. His eyes widen. I play with the rubber band of his boxers. Short after I pull down the last piece of clothing he wears and start rubbing his dick.

"Shit." Katsuki groans. I get faster, making him groan more.
He takes my wrist.
"Condoms?" he pants.
I dig in my nightstand. I take out a single packed condom and open it with my teeth. I hand it to him and he puts in on. While he does, I take off my underwear aswell.
I start fingering myself under him, as he just watches me. I moan quietly. A few moments later my hand gets pinned over my head. I smile at him.
He smiles back at me and pushes himself inside of me.

"Ngh!" I whine. A tear rolls down my cheek. The male glances at me worried. After a moment I nod.
He starts moving slowly, but gets faster by the minute. I press my nails in his skin again. Our moans and groans fill the room. I scratch his back open.

"Cunt." Katsuki pants.
I just moan as he moves faster.

"I'm close." I let him know.

"Me too." he says kind of exhausted.
Soon after, I came with a loud groan. He does the same seconds after me. He pulls out and lays down next to me. I see the condom land in the trash.

I put my head on his chest and stroke his stomach. He caresses my arm.
"How's your back?" I ask.

"Little brat."
I get on top of him again and kiss his neck.
"Himiko, you little-"
I leave a hickey next to the scar of the cut.

"What am I, hm?" I tease.

"A horny bitch, that's what you are." he rolls his eyes.

"Mhm, I'm your horny bitch." I giggle as he grabs my ass.
"If I wasn't that exhausted, I'd be in for a second round." I whisper in his ear.

"Lord." he sighs.
He wraps his arms around me.
"You're adorable."

"I love you." I smile at him.
He stays quiet.
"Katsuki?" I say disappointed.

"I like you too."

"Close enough." I mumble.
You didn't make your decision yet, right?

We fall asleep.

Timeskip//an hour later

Bakugos pov:

I wake up with the girl still sleeping on top of me. We're still naked.
Maybe we shouldn't have done that.
I sigh.
Making that decision gets harder every day.
I caress her thigh, accidentally waking her up.

"Horny again?" she smiles.

"Oh, c'mon dipshit." I complain.
She yawns.
"Wanna take a shower?"

"So you are horny?" she giggles and gets up.

"Brat." I sigh and get up aswell. She takes my hand and pulls me inside the bathroom. I turn on the water and feel my hair getting wet.

"Oh, your back doesn't look too good, my bad." she puts her hand on my skin. I turn to her. She takes the opportunity to push me against the wall.

"Asshole." I open her hair buns.
Himiko starts kissing my neck again.
"It's not like we just fucked, right?"
Damn, why can't I just stay here with you.
I lift her head with my index finger and kiss her lips.
I love you.
We start showering.
The moment we finish showering, I hand her a towel. We dry ourselves and I help her with her hair.

Editors note: Okay, so I got no drafts left, meaning the chapters will come slower now! Sorry my dears,,, but have this chapter! If you skipped this, you actually didn't miss out on anything, but idk this part is probably why y'all are here so idk.
Remember to give me feedback :)
Cover credits:https://pin.it/3VUd5WH

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