Little Sponge

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Cw: alcohol

Timeskip//one month later

Third persons pov:

It's been a month, since Bakugo joined the L.o.V..
Toga was being Toga all month long, not even trying hold back her touching and flirting. Katsuki and her grew closer and he flirted back now and then. After the incidence with Tomura, the villain tried to trust the UA student and everything calmed down a bit. Eventually Toga went back on missions and Baku stayed in the hideout, where he got the change to talk to Kurogiri and the other L.o.V. members, still not allowed to go outside though.

Bakugos pov:

I wake up around 10 am. I look around, but instead of finding Toga, I see a note on my nightstand.
"Shigaraki wanted me to go on a mission and I didn't want to wake you up. See ya later! <3" she wrote.

After taking a shower and changing, I make my way to the bar. As I walk in, I see Kurogiri cleaning some glasses.
"Good morning." I sit down in front of him.

"Can I get you something?" he asks.

"Not really, thanks though."

"The others should be back soon." as he says that his phone rings. He takes it out and accepts the call.

"Pick us up!" I hear a male voice yell through the phone.

"Where are you?" Kurogiri asks the caller. I'm not able to understand the answer.
"I'll be there in a second." without even looking at me, Kurogiri hangs up and disappears.

Was that Shigaraki on the phone?
A few minutes later Kurogiri creates a warp gate on the other side of the bar. I see Shigaraki coming out first and after him Dabi, Compress, Twice and Toga. The girl seems to be very sad and angry. She immediately walks towards me and leans her head against my chest. The rest place themselves at the bar, Kurogiri walks behind the bar again.
"What happened?" I ask worried.
Toga starts sobbing quietly. I hug her.

"Big Sis Magne got killed by a Yakuza member." Twice sighs.

"She attacked this Overhaul guy. After hitting him he apparently used his Quirk on her and she exploded. The Yakuza wanted us to be their underlings." Shigaraki explains.

"Can you get us something to drink?" Dabi asks. The mist then prepares everyone the stuff they usually drink. He gets Toga a bloody mary and me a beer.
We sit down next to the others and all of us just drink without saying a word.
After some time passed and Toga drank quite a few drinks, Dabi gets up and leaves the room, not saying a word. Not long after Compress does the same. I feel a hand on my thigh. I turn around to see Toga grin at me.

"Let's go to my room. I wanna have some fun with you right now very bad." she says excited.

"Yeah, I think Toga had enough drinks." I look at Kurogiri.

"Captain Obvious." Twice says, laying on the counter.

"Okay, Toga, then let's go to your room." I stand up and wrap her arms around me. I lift her up and carry the girl to her room. I try to lay her down on the bed, but she pulls me down with her.
"Himiko, c'mon."

"Fuck me." she moves her hand on my stomach and blushes.

"You're drunk."

"Just maybe." her hands make their way up to my back and press me against her.

"That's enough now, dumbass."

"I like it when you call me these names." she scratches my back a bit.

"Quit it." I push myself up again and stand up.

"I love you." that idiot says. I look at her surprised.

"Now I wish I'd be as drunk as you are."

"I'm not that drunk." she complains and stands up again.

"Whatever you say." I look out of the window.
I feel her arms wrapping around me from behind. I try to ignore her. The girl gets up on tiptoes and rests her head on my shoulder. We stay like this for a few minutes, before I turn around and face Himiko.
"Give me your knife" I demand.

"What? You gonna fuck me now?" she does as I say and gives me her knife.

"I just don't think you should have a knife when you're drunk."
"Get in the bed." I make Toga grin with that. I push her in the bed.

"Changed your mind?" she teases.

"Sleep." I look at her

"I'll try, if you cuddle with me." I accept the offer and lay down next to her on my back. She places her head on my chest and closes her eyes. I stroke her back, as the both of us fall asleep.

Timeskip//The next morning

I wake up, facing the girl that fell asleep in my arms. She still has her eyes closed and is cuddled in the blanket. It seems to be the next morning, but there's not a single sound to hear. Neither the voices of L.o.V. members nor someone walking through the hallway.
I notice that there's a glass of water standing next to the sleeping beauty.
Why is she always able to get up without me noticing?
I stand up, trying my best not to wake up Himiko and lock myself in the bathroom.
I doubt that she'll go on any missions today.
I look in the mirror.
How pathetic that I worry about villains.

I hear a knock on the door.
"Get out, I need to pee really bad!" I hear Toga whine in a sleepy voice.
I open the door.

"How's my little sponge?" I tease her.

"Good for you that I wasn't able to find my knife."she answers pissed. I walk out of the bathroom with a grin.
She enters and closes the door behind her.
I lay down on the bed and a few moments later she comes out again.
"Give me my knife."

"I'd be damned."

"It's not like you aren't already." she climbs on the bed and looks under the pillows.

"Interesting how your headache's making you annoyed and impatient." I laugh, as she sits down next to me.

"I miss big sis." she sighs. The mood changes immediately. I sit up and hug her tightly.

"I know you miss her, but please don't start some kind of payback mission on your own, okay?" I pet her back. She stays quiet.
"Wanna go to the others?"

Togas pov:

"Wanna go to the others?" the boy asks me.

"Not really. Can we stay here?" I hide my face in the sleeve of his shirt. He pets my head, which I take as a yes.

Timeskip//A few hours later

After sitting in the room for quite a while, talking about random stuff and switching positions, my head ended up resting on his lap. Talking to him really calmed me down, since he is calm for once and distracts me. He caresses my arm.
"How's your headache doing, little sponge?"

"Better. I'm even able to argue with you again, idiot."

"Toga?" Katsuki starts.

"Hm? What, accepting the offer?" I smile at him.

"No, dumbass. I wanted to ask you something."

"Yeah, go ahead." I look at him

"Why did you join the League?" he looks down at me.
I look away from him.

"The League members accept me. I get to live my life how I want to.
'Even though our backgrounds are different, everyone here has suffered, because of people, rules and heroes who try to hold us back.' that's what Shigaraki said." I explain.
I look up at him after a few seconds. He seems to be in thoughts. After another few seconds he nods to himself.

"Shigaraki is right with that even though I hate to admit that." Katsuki mumbles something.


Words: 1339
Editors note: Consent is v important kids. AND ALCOHOL IS BAD.
Having said that I fulfilled my educational purposes.
Thanks for reading!! Would appreciate a vote or anything, but obviously no pressure lol
Cover credits:

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