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Felix walked home with tears running down his face.

He couldn't bare even looking back to the direction where they had the fight for fear changbin would still be there.

How-how could he say such horrible things? What had Felix done to warrant such awful treatment.

He really didn't know.

Or well, he did, changbin had made it pretty clear. Its true, he shouldn't have just barged in on them all like that. They all have their friendship group and he should go back to his usual routine.

As Felix walked down the street in the dark he thought of what he was going to do.

Clearly, his presence is upsetting Changbin. And he hasn't been in the group that long so its only fair he try to distance himself.

Felix could just, go to the tutor sessions and then dip. Not hang out with them outside of that.

Thats probably what he's supposed to do anyway. These outings were only to get him more comfortable around the group anyway. It probably wouldn't be long before they decide they know Felix well enough to stop hanging out with him.

Staying clear from them would probably help ease the process anyway. At least Felix could do it on his own terms. The pain of having his first ever real friends turn their backs on him would be too much. But if Felix did it maybe it would hurt less?

Changbin was right, Felix did intrude and he's not going to keep doing that anymore.

Weheheehehehhehehe transition...

Felix was behaving oddly, is what Hyunjin would say. He still turned up to tutoring but he wasn't, anywhere!

And hyunjin had checked, while the others told him to give it a rest and that Felix was just busy, he had to know the truth. Because this was unlike Felix.

In hyunjins opinion that is.

Felix he remembered was always so happy to hang out with him- them- the whole group yes. But now whenever he attempts to approach the blonde boy he gets the same responses.

"I'm studying in the library for lunch, I cant"

"I can't my mum needs me to be home"

"Sorry hyung, I cant"

Can't can't can't- cant Felix just go out with him-

With the group!

It was quite frankly upsetting hyunjin. He couldn't focus on any of his sports because his mind is so off track.

Hyunjin was going to find Felix today and get whatever stupid thing it is that's causing him to be ignored out of the boys mouth.

Ah perfect timing.

A mop of blonde hair bouncing down the corridor.

"Felix Hey!" Hyunjin sprang up trying to grab felixs shoulder. Except Felix swiftly dodged.

"Whats up?" Whats up? Whats up? Felix you are whats up you oblivious, silly, prett-

"Just wondering if you're free to hang out after school today?" Hyunjin tried putting all his charm into it.

"Ahh." Felix hissed, bouncing on his toes, "today's a bit difficult for me, I don't think I can so sorry."

"Oh that's fine, why don't we just schedule a time-"


The school bell, for fucks sake.

"BYE HYUNJIN." Felix had already sprinted down the corridor before he could even blink.

Tomorrow then.

That did not go to plan.

Hyunjin accidentally spilt sauce on his second favorite sweater when he saw Felix enter the cafeteria.

The next day was the same.

He ran up to Felix slipped on a puddle and face planted the laminate floor.

The next day Felix deflected every time he asked.

This was not a great weak for the hwang hyunjin community.

It got to an even lower low when Hyunjin had to go to chan of all people.

"Hes probably just busy jinnie, let him be." Chan wasn't even looking at him, working on another track for his stupid music class. He clearly wasn't seeing how important this was.

"But channnnnn, he's so clearly ignoring us!"

"Maybe he needs space?" Click click click of the keyboard.

"Uggfghh," he slumped in the chair, "You don't get it."

"I do get it Hyunjin. I care for Felix just as much as you do and I know he's been distant."

"Then why won't you do anything!" Hyunjin did feel a bit bad for shouting, at chan of all people, this was just so frustrating.

Chans eyes flickered for a moment before his gaze returned to a normal, 'tender chan look TM'.

"Because, I trust Felix. I suggest you do the same."

Spoiler alert, hyunjin did not take chans advice.

As much as I wanted felix to do a big fuck u with his fingers on his way out, like I know some of the comments wanted, let's just remember felixs character again hahaha boy ain't got enough confidence for that yet.

Remember back when I wrote action I said I was trapping stays in my basement.

All I'm gonna say is the doors 🚪 right open just for any new reader to hop on my profile! Its totally safe, not like you'll be imprisoned down there for ever MUAHHAHAHAHHH- ehem ehem excuse me just had something In my throat.

Anyway, I wonder what hyunjin will do....? I thought about leaving it up to vote but I have a pretty good idea in mind.

Also genuine question if someone shot a gun up someone's ass would it kill them? I really want to know but I'm definitely not googling it.

Cuz fun fact I actually read a chanlix smut fic where that happened and I'm just curious if they would die

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