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Hyunjin was kind enough to walk Felix back slowly, giving him time to collect himself.

Once he got back he sat down bowing

"I'm very sorry for taking so long"

"No it's totally fine" Chan smiled, handing him his drink which came while he was away

"No its not, that was very rude of me. My apologies" Felix bit his lip

"Look don't worry about it" Jisung rubbed his shoulder gently "we all understand how overwhelming this is, you've barely met any of us"

"Oh" Chan clapped his hands together "let's do introductions then"

"Felix you start"

"O-ok" Felix stood up, standing at the end of the table "I'm Lee Felix, I'm from Australia and I really am going to fail my maths exam"

That caused most people to shout you aren't going to fail, Felix blushing and sitting down

"Me next!" hyunjin jumped up going to the end of the table "hello, I'm hwang hyunjin, I am just a member of the council but I also am apart of the sports club"

Felix remembered hyunjin in the PE uniform the first time they met so it made a lot of sense.

"I'll go next!" Jisung shouted, almost tripping to get to the end of the table "I'm Han Jisung, council member and official school activities planner!"

Jisung gave a thumbs up before walking back to sit down

Jeongin stood up moving to the table end "my name is Yang Jeongin, most people call me innie, innie is the newest to the council and innie really likes sweet things"

Next up the boy, who Felix was certain was called seungmin, stand up and walk to the table "Kim seungmin. Student council vice president, It is a pleasure to meet you"

Chan next moved up, giving Felix a smile as he did "Bang Chan, student council president. I am also apart of the music club"

"Minho" hyunjin psst kicking him under the table

"This is so stupid" minho mumbled but none the less stood up "My name is Lee Minho, I was forced to join the council"

That left the last one, Felix actually did not know his name at all. He looked strong and quite intimidating, with an aura Felix couldn't quite understand

"Come on changbin"

"No" he said bluntly, crossing his arms over his chest

"Seriosuly, just do it. Everyone else is" seungmins eyebrows pinched together. Felix got the impression these two clashed often

"I'm not doing this shit, why should I? You guys barely know this guy and you're already like this to him?! What the fuck happened to being more wary of new people-"

"Changbin!" Chan slammed his hand on the table "watch your god damn mouth you understand"

"Fuck you!" Changbin stood up, slamming his chair and storming out.

Felix was frozen, oh he's totally messed everyone up hasn't he? Why did he ever think this was a good idea, he should leav-

"Felix" there was a gentle hand on his cheek. He looked up slowly, tears begining to collect on his waterline

"I'm s-sorry" he sniffed

"No no sweetheart" Chan smiled, now kneeling infront of him. The rest of the guys apart from minho who didn't move and jeongin who went to find changbin "this isn't your fault"

"But it is" Felix furiously wiped his eyes causing them to start to redden "if I h-hadn't come in the first place-"

"You had no choice, you needed our help, all of us are happy to help you. We just want you to feel as comfortable as possible, yeah?"

"But I made him upset, he hates me" Felix felt someone press a tissue under his eyes

"He doesn't hate you" seungmin moved next to Chan, adjusting his own glasses and grabbing felixs hand with his golved one "He's just a little less comfortable with change"

After seungmin spoke he seemed to move back, surprised with himself. Felix didn't pay mind to it.

"Exactly" Felix turned back to Chan "he is a little more rocky than us if you get me"

Everyone chuckled in agreement, Felix seeing their laughter made him feel a little better

"Just give him time, love. He'll get used to it. It's just change for him is hard"

Felix nodded, going to wipe his nose with the back of his hand but he was stopped. Jisung had grabbed his wrist and stuffed the tissue there instead.

"Chan, can I speak to you for a second" seungmin pulled Chan up, moving to another corner

Felix couldn't hear much but it was something along the lines of 'you shouldnt have shouted at bin like that' , 'i know, it's just he shouldn't be acting like this around new people, and in public for that matter'

Felix didn't hear the rest, he was too distracted by his mouth slowly filling with sweats

"Innies back" jeongin smiled

"Talk to me about it later" hyunjin whispered in jeongins ear as he stuffed Felix with sweats from his bag. Only nodding as a reply.

"I think we should all go home" Chan walked over after talking with seungmin. Seungmin had gone to apologize to the restaurant owner

"Yeah" hyunjin nodded "good idea, we can walk lix to the station"

Changbin is an angsty boy...sniff sniff I can smell character development on it's way.

Also I kind of wanted to give an overview of all the characters like personalities so here SO FAR!!
(They may change/develop ovetime)

_______The characters_______

Chan- flirtatious, nicknames everyone with pet names, kind of like the father of the group, everyone listens to him, afraid of being alone(?)

Minho- tsundere, short tempered, not good at affection, was forced into the council by the principle.

Changbin- very short tempered, dark, angry, doesn't like felix(?)

Hyunjin- dramatic, out going, not afraid to do questionable things around the group

Jisung- clown, comic relief for the group, anxiety(?)

Felix- shy, blushes all the time. isn't great in big groups, but he's coping, shit at maths,

Seungmin- very formal "posh". Wears glasses and those white butler gloves you see in movies haha. Very sophisticated gentlemen lol

Jeongin- referes to self in 3rd person, loves sweet things, acts cute all the time


Here you go, if there's any kind of personality you think would be great to add to this^ feel free to comment! I'm trying to practice complex characters and development so any help is happily accepted

[(?) Unconfirmed information]

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