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"So feel free to come back any time" Chan smiled as he held the door open for Felix to walk through "contact us if you need to!"

"Thank you very much" Felix smiled

"Oh here" Chan held out his phone "let me give you my number"

"Ok" Felix turned to his bag to find his "here"

"Awe that's a cute case" Chan smiled, taking the phone and typing in his number "just text me later ok, baby!"

"Will do" Felix smiled, taking it back and holding it by his chest

"Have a nice day"

"You too" Felix waved with a smile, he was pretty sure he heard someone shout 'you crafty bitch, you got his number' but Felix wasn't sure.

Felix just shook his head, walking away from the room with a smile. He should know better than to judge things he didn't know anything about.

These people seemed really lovely.

Felix had to quickly get to his geography class anyway, thankfully chul wasn't there so he made it with no problems.

Felix did wonder why no one from the student council left the room. Maybe they had a free period?

Felix, contrary to what he assumed, was not late. Stepping into the class, haru was already there.

"Hey Lixie how did it go?"

"Surprisingly well" Felix nodded taking out his pencil case, which had a little bear on it "they all seem very nice"


"Hm how so?"

"I just heard, they were kind of mean. I don't see them often though so I've only gone off what other students say"

"Oh really" Felixs eyebrows scrunched.

Pulling his water bottle out to take a drink "interesting."

"So when will you get tutoring?"

"At lunch and after school pretty much every day" Felix sighed he was going to be exhausted, but he needs to do it.

The thing that surprised Felix the most was how they were all smart enough to tutor him...well they are the council so it makes sense sort of.

"Do you have one today?"

"Well not today as it's Thursday but I will tomorrow"

"Oh who with?" Haru wiggled his eyebrows making Felix snort

"Just Chan" Felix shrugged, at least he got tomorrow lunch to be with haru, then he'd have to be with Chan.

"Wait wait wait" Harus eyes widened "THE STUDENT COUNCIL PRES"

"Haru! Let's be a little quieter if yiure not going to listen in my class" the teacher snapped

"Sorry ma'am"

"Well, yeah. He's very buys apparently and that was the only time he could do" Felix shrugged, turning his attention back to the lesson.


"You're on bathroom duty today"

"Ok!" Felix nodded, grabbing his apron to protect his school uniform. Taking a mop and walking to the bathroom.

Once he got there, he put the bucket down and got to work with mopping the floors.

What he didn't notice was one of the stalls was occupied.

He practically jumped out of his skin when he heard the lock click, someone walking out.



"What are you doing?" Minho tilted his head, a disgusted look on his face "also how did you find out my name?"

"Oh well, um you see" Felix went red "it's apart of my scholarship...and well i just assumed becuase i heard someone call you that...unless you go by another name ah im so sorry"

"Huh?! Ok whatever" the ginger stepped around where Felix had mopped

Felix watched as he went to wash his hands. Shrugging he went back to mopping.

"Have a good day" he said gtumpily, almost as if he didn't want to say it

"Thank you, you too" Felix smiled brightly, giving him a little wave

"What the fuck?!"

"What was that?" Felix looked up and he was gone.

"Hm ok then" Felix shrugged only to hear the sound of heavy feat running towards him.

Minho came round, his cheeks very red. Felix just assumed it was from running. His face scrunched up

"I'd really hate it if you have me your number right now"

"I- what?"

"Do not make me repeat myself!" Minho seemed to blush harder

"Ohhh, do you want my number?" Felix tilted his head

"No I wouldn't" minho turned his head to the side, his eyes closed angrily

Oddly Felix found it quite endearing.

"Here" he'd put the mop down and had his number on a piece of paper. Taking minho's hand, he gentle placed it inside and closed his fingers. "Have nice night minho"

"You too, I guess" he shrugged walking off


I know a lot of people find tsundere characters annoying but I really felt it fit minho well lmao

This is the minho I imagined

This is the minho I imagined

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