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The student council

Felix was uncertain about his feelings

Having been so busy trying to stay at the school he tended to ignore everything and only focus on that

However he was told that they were always kind of snobby, and others thouht it was because the members wore a red band around their forearm.

He also heard people always whispereing things about how whenever they see them walking around: they act like they were so much better than everyone.

"Here take this" the head master handed him a piece of paper "give this to a man named Bang Chan"

The student council president

Felix assumed so anyway...

Felix didn't want to go off rumours. He thought it was much better to go off his own interpretation than bend to what his classmates where saying.

"Ok" Felix whispered, standing up. He was desperate to get out of there.

Once he was out the door he took a breath, it was currently the end of the day. Would they even be there?

Haru probably left already, Felix had told him to go home without him.

He decided to go and get a drink before he went home. He definitely needed it.

Once felix made it to the vending machine he rummaged in his bag for some change.

"Nothing?" Felix whispered in confusion to himself. He had no more change for a drink.

"Noooo" Felix sighed, hitting his head on the glass door.


"AH!" Felix jumped, almost smacking his head on the vending machine glass. He turned round gasping when he looked at the who the voice belonged to.

"Oh I'm sorry, cutie. Didn't mean to scare you"

"I-its, ok" Felix turned his head. This man was fucking ethereal.

"Seems like you're having a problem with the machine, did your change get stuck?"

"Oh no" Felix rubbed his neck sheepishly, trying to ignore the man's beautiful long blonde hair, which was currently tied in a pony tail "I don't have anymore change"

He felt himself blushing, dammit

"Oh that's ok" he pulled his bag out fiddling in the front pocket "what do you want?"

The man pulled out a wallet, getting change. Felix noticed he was wearing the sports uniform.

"Oh no no, please I don't need it" Felix waved his hands irractically.

"Come on, it's ok" the blonde man smiled, "I've got some spare"

"If you don't mind" Felix mumbled, looking down as he pointed at his favourite juice.

"Alright then"

Felix watched as the man punched in his drink code, and one for himself.

The blonde bent down, grabbing the drink and handing it to Felix

"There you go" he gave him a bright smile

"T-thankyou" Felix smiled, turning the drink over in his hands.

"I'm glad to help, see you around" he smiled, patting Felix's shoulder and jogging away.

"Felix calm yourself" he patted his cheeks lightly, having previously put the juice in his bag.


Felix Sat on the train thinking about his day.

So he'd had a maths study session with haru, failed his maths test, had to go to the head masters office because of how bad his maths was, and then met a hot guy.

Wow that's quite a day.

Felix couldn't stop the blush that formed as he drank the juice.

But now He'd have to forget about all that and do his homework.


"Mom I'm home!" Felix shouted as he walked into the door of his small apartment

"Ah, just in time lixie" his mother turned round with a spoon in her hands "we were just about to eat"

Felix smiled, putting his bag down and walking over to the dinner table.

"Welcome home" his sister Olivia smiled, a gummy brace filled grin.

Felix smiled back, turning his attention to Rachel who was giving him a less than happy look

"You're late"

"Sorry, had to see the head teacher"

"You're not failing are you?"

"Come on Rachel" his mom tutted "give him a rest, he's already under a lot of stress"

"Whatever" she shrugged, shoving a piece of bread in her mouth

Felix looked at her sadly, yeah she was just looking out for him but there were times he thought she truly hated him.

Once he'd eaten he dismissed himself to his room, which he shared with Olivia. Sitting down at his desk to start on that important homework.

This is the hyunjin I'm thinking of

This is the hyunjin I'm thinking of

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