Felix followed hyunjin to the counter, reaching into his bag to pay for the skates.
"Oh no" why am I always forgetting my money!?
"What's wrong?!"
"I-i think I should go home" Felix sighed
"What why?!" Jisung walked over and put a gentle hand on his shoulder.
"I...Iumdon'thaveanymoneybecauseverythingwassosuddenijsutwasntprepared" Felix said quickly feeling extremly embarrassed
(I um don't have any money because everything was so sudden I just wasn't prepared)
"Oh that's no problem" Seungmin walked up and held Felix's cheeks rubbing his thumbs over them lightly "I'll pay for you"
"Are you-are you sure" Felix sniffled bringing his hand up to wipe his nose.
"Yes" Seungmin held Felix's hand gently, with his own gloved one, and placed a tissue in there "don't wipe your nose like that it will go all red"
"Sorry" Felix mumbled tapping his nose with the tissue at Seungmin's insistence. "I don't want you guys to pay for me."
"We don't mind lix, you're our friend. I'm sure you'll remember next time it's ok to slip up," Jisung smiled putting his hand on Felix's head and patting it, "let's have fun, we can't let this ruin the day"
"Exactly," Hyunjin nodded along with Jisung, "you can pay us back in cuddles sometime in the future!"
"Ok," Felix nodded, pulling on a smile as best he could.
Minho stood observing the scene from the back. Jisung and Seungmin begining to chat Felix's ears off.
Except...all he could focus on was how cute Felix looked. He sneakily got out his phone and snapped a picture.
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"Sunshine." He mumbled
"Sunshine" Hyunjin hummed leaning onto the wall beside him, "That's cute, I like that"
"Lay off Hwang!" Minho snapped, fumbling to put his phone away.
"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realise you did affectionate things." Hyunjin laughed, patronisingly.
"You little ra-"
"Come on guys" that was when the two realised they were very far from the group.
"Come on! Lets get skating!" Felix giggled, running over and standing by them. Seungmin and Jisung rushing back to catch up.
"I can't believe you agreed with me" Jisung said as they walked
"Well, that's one thing" hyunjin rolled his eyes "i still dislike you."
"Is this an enemies to lovers plot?" Jisung wiggled his eyebrows teasingly.
"Oh you wish," Hyunjin scoffed, shoving him by the shoulder.