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Not proof read...
(I hope this doesn't come across as like rude or anything but I'd appreciate if people didn't comment things such as "finally another chapter" or stuff like that, to me it comes across as a bit demanding and personally just makes me feel bad idk. I'm trying my best to write chapters again and not fall back into month breaks so yeah. Thas all, I don't blame anyone I know people like this book but remember writers are people too! :] )

ANYWAY, THAT ASIDE enjoy the chapter 😊😊😊

Felix hadn't realised he fell asleep

When he woke up he was groggy, a little annoyed actually.

"Oh wow, you look like a disgruntled kitten." Felixs nose scrunched at that comment, still trying to grasp at the string of being fucking awake.

"Be quiet." Felix mumbled.

"Oh wow," the person above him sounded a little breathless, "your waking up voice is incredibly deep."

"Mhmmm." Felix hummed, still not quite registering anything.

Slowly, Felix peeled his sticky eyes open. Low and behold right above him, face incredible close to Felixs was none of than Bang Chan.

"WUH!" Felix jumped, he would have flung himself off the sofa if not for the tight grip around his chest and thighs.

Chan was literally wrapped around him like a snake.

"H-how long..?" Felix squeaked. Trying to squirm his way out of chans grip...unsuccessfully.

Chan on the other hand looked over felixs head to the desk, there was probably a clock there, "we slept for like thirty minutes."

"THIRTY!" Felix screeched

"Aish, not so loud." Chan complained putting a hand over felixs mouth. "I just woke up."

"So did i!" Felix said but it was muffled by chans fingers.

"I wonder why no one came to wake us up."

Felix was surprised by that, usually all the student council members would flock around him...like baby chicks! Haha yeah, momma bird Felix and baby chicks-

"Felix, what the hell are you thinking, your face has gone all screwy."

Felix hadn't even noticed chan taking his hand off him. Nor did he notice it move to stroke gently along his exposed collar bone instead.

He blinked, shaking his head out of his daze.

"We should probably go and see where everyone is." Felix mumbled, sitting up in chans lap.

"Yeah, probably best." Chan patted felixs thigh before standing up.


"No can do pixie" Chan giggled, carrying him bridal style over to the door and opening it.

All of a sudden Felix was blinded by an array of colours.


"W-what, its not my birthday." Felix blanched.

Jeongin jumped up to the two of them with a wide grin on his face, "all of us decided the student council could use a new member..."

Felixs jaw dropped.

"So we want you." Jisung shouted.

"Great way of phrasing it, dickhead." Minho mumbled, just quiet enough that Felix couldn't hear. He was distracted enough by having sweets stuffed into his mouth by jeongin.

"At least I know what to say to make moves, you can't even express a single emotion towards him but anger."

"I'm playing hard to get!"

"Yeah sureee, you're gonna end up hurting him that way. When he finds out your really an emotionless bitch he's not gonna want you."

"Low blow Han Jisung!" He hissed "You know thats because of my father."

Jisung softened for a second, just slightly in the way his played up scowl loosened. His shoulders sagged, "was that too far."

"No...no jisung its-"

"Please don't cry-"


"Dont treat him like a baby!" Seungmin squeezed felixs cheeks together.

"Come on," jisung grabbed minho's hand, "let's have some fun."

Changbin sat outside by the old cracked wall at the back of the school, a black eye and blood streaming from his lips and nose. It was hard to tell if he was awake or not, his breath rattling through his chest, but the people who happened to pass ignored him.

This was changbin, after all. A bully.

Ooooo things are turning up, relationships are blooming. Little bit about Minho which you might of inferred is that he can't feel emotions very well at all, so he channels the only one he can imitate easily, anger! But Felix gets that little side of him to feel things thats why he wants to keep persuing him. I know I mentioned this at some point, but like seungmin, these guys all have a pretty dark past which I will get into. Just a warning for future chapters, I'll always put tw's before everything i think necessary tho!

How would people feel about me re writing the smut scene in detention since its been like 2 years? I dunno how many kudos is reasonable but let's say if this chapter gets 250 ill re write it muhahahahahha (ill of course keep the original for a little fun comparison)

I'll be impressed if it does so thats a challenge for all u readers lol

I wonder whats going to happen with changbin...tune in next time !!!

tune in next time !!!

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