
2.4K 67 54

I despise that the book ended at 49 parts so hey how you doing.

Ahhh doesn't it feel so nice to have 50 parts on a book, so cohesive. 50 is half of 100 so I basically wrote 100 chapters

Meow meow meow.

I feel oddly at peace writing this chapter. Have I gone insane? Did spending two years on one book finally break me? Am I going to do it again on my next book?

We'll see.

Breaking news! Cloudchannie took 5 years to finish their latest book. We had to move them into a retirement home, how sad.

Can we make cloudchannie fan account pages. I'll be the first, cloudchannieeatmysocks

Yeah if I was my own fan I'd be called that.

Or how about cloudchannieworshiper69420

Is that too long for a name? Is there a character limit on names lmao. I'm too scared to try cuz Imagine i get locked out of my account?

We can make a fan account called byebyecloudchannie if that happens.

Maybe I should do chapters like this more often. FYI this is how my brain works, you could call this a brain DUMP.

For an old grandpa like me the time is way past my sleepy night night.

Btw even though I say I'm a grandpa I'm not that old...really. I'm younger than 100 years old.


Also can watpadd stop putting comments with swearing under review. This is my fucking book why am I not allowed to decide that for myself hmmmmmmm

Also why do I have to watch ads to read my own story? I bloody wrote it. How am I supposed to attempt to spell check once in a century?!

Anyway...ok bye.


Ok so I did add another chapter so now its 51....

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