Hahahaha I'm back.
Totally didn't forget to update no no, you got it wrong :]
Not proof read...
If you were to ask Felix just how he found himself in this situation he would find it hard to tell you.
It might have been how he forgot to hand in one of his newly assigned tasks. As he is now a member of the student council.
It mightt have been how he forgot to bring money to buy a banana milkshake from the cafeteria.
It mighttt have been how he shouted at his younger sister this morning because she stole the last banana milkshake. (Which was rightfully his mind you).
Nevertheless, regardless of what actually led him to this event. Felix was here, pressed against the door of the student council presidents office.
Why was he there? What was he doing?
These may be some of the questions that need to be addressed. However, the most important question to be asked is this:
What is being done to him?
A cold hand clutched Felix's wrist, holding it against the wooden frame. Its twin just short of pinching his waist in its tight grip.
Felix's own hand (the free one) had without his permission nestled itself between the slightly curled hair of the person infront of him.
This person in question had firmly locked their lips in a feet which left Felix gasping for breath.
Now as if it wasn't obvious just who this totally not mystery person is, Felix will have the pleasure of revealing.
"Chan," Felix whispered in-between the heated and wet kisses he was receiving.
"What is it baby?" Chan pulled back, a sly smirk gracing his now red puffy lips. Felix saw a great resemblance in that look to, how he would imagine, a wolf just about to pounce on its prey.
While he waited for Felix to respond Chan wasted no time in pressing light kisses down his neck. It was a foreign and ticklish feeling but not entirely unpleasant.
"I just-" Felix's face felt like it was burning (cant be a student council chap without blushing felix).
Chan slowly unbuttoned his shirt partway, pushing it off his shoulders with his impatience.
Instead of allowing Felix to continue Chan bit sharply on one of his collar bones. This made Felix choke out a shocked moan through his already open mouth. He was completely caught off guard by this, never had he made a sound like that before!
While Felix tried to pick up his scrambled brain off the floor and back into his head another sharp bite was left further up his neck.
Definitely a wolf.
Chan bit him once more before navigating back up to nip at his lips.
It almost felt wrong to think that somehow everyone he kissed so far in the student council was amazing at kissing.
This was becoming a mess Felix wasn't sure he knew how to deal with.
He couldn't have them all could he? That almost didn't feel fair. Felix could sense that there was and there is ongoing tension between the council.
The last thing he wants is to be used as a ploy for them to fight against eachother. (👀)
"You're thinking about something aren't you sweetheart." Chan popped the bubble of his thoughts, "It seems like i'm not pleasing you enough."
Felix gasped as the hand that had been on his waist came up to his hair and gave the strands a sharp tug.
"I don't like that you're ignoring me, especially when I put so much effort in for you especially." Chan pouted, looking the picture of innocence despite the dark glint in his eyes. How was he so composed? Felix was finding out things he'd never even known about himself! He fucking liked hair pulling!
"S-sorry." Felix mumbled, not entirely sure how to respond. He was just so new to all this.
"Well..." Chan let go of him compelty with a final light shove.
Felix couldn't help how he know felt incredibly exposed. Without Chan's body crowding over him he had no where to hide. Never had he allowed himself to be look so disheveled.
Shyly he watched as Chan walked to the desk and turned round, leaning back against it. With two long fingers he beckoned him closer.
"Allow me to teach you how to focus on me."
these kiss scenes are getting harder and harder to write omg. I'm trying to add some sauce but its so hard cuz I don't want it to be cringe. Please I know I ask for validation on every kiss scene I do but seriously is this ok??? Do u readers like this or is it too much?
Btw, sorry if this disappoints anyone but I don't think I'm going to add smut scenes. Personally I'm not really comfortable with it as I used to be. I mean if anyone feels like adding smut feel free to write a chapter and I can tag you? Not really expecting anyone to tho!
Anyway, side note from my last chapter:
No one guessed it but I main Ayaka, surprise hehehehe.
Also also
Vote time:
I think so far the kisses have been, hyunjin, minho, chan. I'm not missing anyone right?