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mike smiled, watching as el sipped on her iced drink and hugged her plush.

he finally found what's best when her bandage needing changing or her wound needed changing.

was to either stuff her videos of cartoons, hot pixar women, or sensory videos.

she easily got distracted and it was easy for her to focus on the videos and instead on the bullet hole that went through her body.

"here you go, dove," he handed his phone to her that had some sensory videos loaded up since he was still on a hunt for some new cartoons.

see, even el was picky with cartoons. mike didn't understand how there were cartoons where you could yell at.

cartoons were supposed to be fun, weren't they?

"i wanna see boobies and ass today," she frowned which made one of the nurses laugh.

"okay, just hold on," he took the phone back and then searched for a good enough video since he didn't make another long compilation for her.

"there," he placed the phone into her hands as she leaned back and smiled.

the door opened and emilio and ezra walked in but el was too focused on her videos.

"whats she watching?" ezra asked, noticing el's smile and tilted head which indicated her happiness.

"cartoon boobs." mike answered as the two of them sat on the couch.

"oh, pixar," he nodded as mike turned and noticed how el's eyes were wide and she wasn't moving.

"hey," he snapped his fingers in front of her face, "please remember you have a boyfriend."

"you don't have boobies with an ass like this." she showed him the screen.

"i thought my personality was enough,"

she hummed then shrugged before focusing back on her videos. "nurse," she spoke up as the nurse hummed, "yes, darling?"

"you seem like you would have nice boobies,"

mike shook her head and looked at the nurse, "did you put anything in her today? she seems higher than usual,"

"no, just a little bit of pain meds," the nurse said and mike turned to el, "are you high on seeing boobs? is that even possible?"

"women make crazy," her head and eyes rolled which made mike chuckle.

the nurse laughed and stood before helping her pull her shirt down, "all done now, hon,"

el gasped, "wow, already? you're good. unlike the other nurse," she then leaned in and whispered, "she's mean,"

"well, don't worry. i'm in charge of changing and checking up on your bandage now."

el smiled widely and nodded as the nurse gave her a sweet smile before turning and exiting the room.

"el, how many boobs do you look at when you're at dating me?" mike couldn't help but ask and el only smiled to herself and turned away from him.

"el," he took his phone back and held her drink so it wouldn't spill.

"i don't look at it that much. i get sent boobs sometimes," she said as he eyebrows furrowed, "what?"

"yeah, like full on nudes in my requests. i give them ratings and send it to them. there was this one guy who got a negative six," she muttered and shivered before smiling over at emilio.

"what is it, sunflower?" he asked.

"is eli mad at me?"

"no, why would he be?"

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