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A/n: It's a GXG story and if you're a homophobic or you don't like this kind of story. Don't read it. Just leave.



I chuckled and shook my head before pouring the whiskey on my glass. Sumandal ako sa couch and sip my drinks. Sheena was on my left side and Aicy was on the right. Hindi mahilig si Bal sa ganito kaya hindi ko siya masyadong sinasama dahil baka ilibing ako nang buhay ng girlfriend niya and she's also busy with her career right now.  The guys was kissing other girls around the corner.

I roamed my eyes and met a familiar orbs. A smirk crept on my lips when I remembered how she taste like. Cherries. That's what she taste like. I played with my bottom lip and didn't leave my eyes on her.

My gaze fell from her gorgeous face down to her slender neck, connected to her tone shoulder. I swallowed hard when I looked lower than her shoulders. Her breast formed a round and firm shape on her chest, screaming for her sexiness. Her waist was small but has perfectly curve that I wanted to grab and hold her right now.  She turn her back so I saw her hips were screaming seduction. Her dress was emphasizing her shapes, curves, and sexiness. Damn!

What a perfect, sizzling hot forbidden!

" Who are you looking at?" I heard Sheena ask. " A new target?" Ngumisi siya saakin. Hindi nito masyadong kita ang babaeng tinitingnan ko. Pero hindi narin siguro siya magugulat kung makilala niya ang babaeng tinitingnan ko ngayon.

I chuckled and shake my head and sip my drinks. " Come on, Jess. I know when you are smirking like that. " She smirk at me.

" What?" I asked.

She laughed and come closer to me. She clung on my nape and bit her lower lip seductively. " Why don't we kiss again? " She asked. Halatang may tama na siya.

I chuckled and hold her waist. Sheena is undeniably attractive that's why I can't help myself from kissing her but for the records, she provoked me. We're friends and we both know that it was just a kiss. Nothing more, nothing less.

She tried to kiss me but I looked away and chuckled. " You're drunk, Sheen."

" I'm not okay. Come on, babe " she insisted. I looked at Aicy who was wearing her playful smirk while looking at us.

" Pagbigyan mo na ang malanding 'yan, Jess. Hindi 'yan titigil." She utter and we both chuckles. It was a normal conversation since we are all friends. Pero nagbago na ako. I'm done with this stupid game. Nakakasawa din pala.

" Nah " I just said and looked around to look for her. I found her and saw her dancing on the floor. I think she's drunk already. I excuse myself and told Aicy to take care of Sheena. Nang tuluyan na akong makalapit sakanya ay mabilis na hinapit ko siya sa bewang dahil mukhang nawawalan na ng balanse sa katawan dahil sa kalasingan.

" Hey Prof. Having fun?" I whispered. I face her and her forehead crease but rolled her eyes instantly when she recognized me. Mainit parin dugo niya saakin hanggang ngayon.

" Get off of me Miss Mariano and please don't touch me. " She tried to get away from me pero mas malakas ako.

" Not touching you like this?" I playfully asked while roaming my hand down to her sexy butt. She was taken a back and tried to slap me but I stop her. " Slap me or I'll kiss you. Just tell me if you want a kiss again, Prof." I said while holding her wrist.

" I hate your guts Miss Mariano." She hissed with a redden cheek dahil narin siguro sa kalasingan.

" But you like my kisses." I said back with a proud smirk. Hindi ko nga mabilang kung ilang beses ko na siyang nahalikan.

" Dream on!" With her remaining strengths, she pushes me and she succeed. Bumalik siya sa counter and drunk herself again. I came to her but not closer. I was just watching her get drunk. Lot of guys tried to get near her but I'm not letting them.

" You got your new target huh?" Cali said and looked at the woman I am eyeing for. " I think she's feisty. Mukhang malabong mapapasayo." he teased and smirk.

I sip my drinks. Cali was the bartender. He's a hot guy and one of my friends. He owned this famous bar.

" You can't tell, Cal. Who can resist Jessa Asher Mariano?"

He chuckled and nodded his head. " Yeah. Who can resist you?"

Bumalik na siya sa trabaho niya and I averted my eyes to my professor. She drunk herself to much. Lumapit ako sakanya and I decided to bring her to my condo.

" H-ey! Who a-re you? Where are you t-aking me?" She asked.

" My place. " I said. Nawalan na siya ng malay kaya mas mabilis na nailabas ko siya papunta sa sasakyan ko at dinala siya sa condo.

A smirk form on my lips when I glance at my professor on my passenger seat.

She's a sweet forbidden.


SERIES 1: Catch you when you fall

Tasting the sweet Forbidden Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon