Chapter 12 - Hunter

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I woke up with Paige sleeping peacefully in my arms and it was the best fucking feeling in the world. I never want to wake up without her next to me ever again. I carefully stroked her hair, not wanting to wake her just yet. I know the minute she opens her eyes we would need to get up and get ready for the fair. She is helping in the face painting area, and I am helping set up the booths, working in the kids' games, as well as preparing for the challenge. I snuggled closer with her, memorizing the feel of her body as it molds with mine. Suddenly, her phone starts to buzz on her nightstand.

"Make it stop!" She groans as she buries her face in my chest. I kiss the top of her head and reach over her to grab her phone off her nightstand. I look at the caller ID and tap her shoulder.

"Baby, it's your dad."

"Put him on speaker but don't say anything." I nod and hit the green button to answer her call. As soon as she says 'hello', Gary's voice booms through the phone's speaker.

"AM I A GRANDDAD YET?!" I could not help but burst out laughing at the obvious excitement and expectation in his voice. "HUNTER! Please tell me I'm going to be a granddad. I already ordered a mug on Amazon that says, 'World's Greatest Grandpa'. It will be here tomorrow, and I want to start using it."

"Oh, for fucks sake!" Paige mumbles against me.

"LANGUAGE BITSY!" Gary yells at her. I can feel her face scrunching up and it makes me laugh even harder.

"Sorry, Gary," I laugh as I bring the phone's speaker closer to me. "We can't help you with that just yet. Check back with us later."

"Later when?" I look down at Paige, who still has her head buried in my chest, and smirk.

"Ask us again tomorrow."

"WHAT?! HUNTER!" Paige whips her head up to me and both Gary and I roar with laughter. "That's not funny!"

"Ok, ok. I'm sorry baby girl." Gary cleared his throat to stop himself from laughing. "The real reason I called was to make sure you two got to the firehouse on time to help set up for the fair. Your brothers are already there to help set up the food stands and games for the kids."

"Yes, we'll be there shortly," Paige grumbled. "We were just getting up."

"Did you two have fun last night?"

"Yes, dad, we did," Paige said as she looked up at me and smiled.

"So much fun that maybe I am going to be a granddad and you just don't know it yet?" Gary laughed at his own statement and quickly took it back. "Sorry, sorry. I can already feel Paige's eyes burning holes in my head. I'll see you, kids, soon. Love you!"

"We'll see you soon too, dad. And my love for you is questionable at the moment," Paige teases him. I end the call and place the phone back on her nightstand. She starts to get up from the bed, but I pull her back down and pull her back into my arms. "Hunter! We have to get ready!" She giggles as I pepper her neck with soft kisses.

"I am ready! Can't you feel me?" I press my hips against her causing her to snort-laugh. "Are you sure we can't give your dad a reason to use his new mug the minute it arrives in the mail?" Paige playfully smacks my arms as she falls into a fit of laughter.

"I thought you said you were ok with taking things slow when it came to having sex?" She let a whimper escape her when I kissed my way up from her neck to her lips.

"I am ok with that, and I haven't changed my mind. I plan on taking my time with you when we make our baby." Paige laughed and smacked me again in my arm. "Fine. Fine. I'll stop...for now. We have a fair to get to." I kissed her one more time before helping her up from the bed.

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