Chapter 15 - Paige

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Have you ever asked a question in your head and your mouth decided to ask it out loud without your permission? And now that the question is out there, you instantly regret asking it but at the same time, you are eager to hear the answer? Well, that is exactly the predicament I find myself in.

I knew when Hunter told me he overheard Dillon wanting to talk to me about whatever mess he was in, nobody was going to let me stay in my apartment alone. To be honest, I would feel much safer having someone staying with me, especially after the drunken visit he paid me last week. There are only two people who would be the most logical choices to have stay with me because they were both single, my dad and Hunter.

If my dad stayed with me, the only thing I would have to worry about is accidentally seeing him wander my apartment stark naked at night. I would have preferred to go my whole life without knowing he liked to sleep commando. Unfortunately for me, the one night I decide to work on an art project in the kitchen instead of my bedroom, my dad forgot to put his robe on when getting a late snack. My eyes are still burning.

Then there is Hunter. I am conflicted in wanting him to stay with me right now. We are just getting back into each other's lives and getting to know each other again. I know how he feels about me, and I think I feel the same way. No, I know I feel the same way, but I still do not want to rush things with us. Having him stay with me for however long might give him the wrong signal. Then again, having him spend the night with him even though we didn't do anything but sleep, and sucking face with him every chance we get does not exactly scream 'let's take things slow'.

"Paige?" Hunter's soft voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I kept my head pressed against his chest and hum a response back to him. "Is that what you want me to do? Do you want me to stay with you?" I bite my lip and think about how I want to answer him, but his gentle strokes up and down my back are distracting me. I must have taken too long to answer him because he suddenly lifts me off his chest and puts me in a straddle position on his lap. I let out a soft gasp as I feel him between my legs.

How is he going to fit inside me? Oh my God, Paige! Now is not the time to think about that! Hunter is waiting for you to answer him.

"Um, yes?" Hunter laughed and squeezed my hips bringing them closer to his body. I held back a whimper from escaping my mouth when I felt his bulge pressing against my very wet center.

"Are you not sure about me staying with you?" He was subtly moving his hips below me and I swear I heard him curse in his mind. Or maybe that was me. I need to tell him to stop grinding against me. Oh, wait. He is not the only one whose hips were moving. What is happening right now?!

My mind was turning to mush, and I could not formulate a coherent thought let alone any words to answer him. I could not focus. The feeling between my legs from the friction caused by the side conversation our hips were having all on their own was consuming me. I could feel my eyes fluttering closed and the heat between my legs building.

"Paige?" I could feel Hunter's breath on my lips and his nose brushing against mine. All I could do was hum and lick my lips. If this is what Hunter does to me now, I can only imagine how I would feel once he was inside me. Just the thought of him filling me had me shudder. I felt Hunter's lips on mine in a soft kiss before he whispered, "Open your eyes, Paige." I slowly opened my eyes to find Hunter smiling at me. "Are you sure you want me to stay with you?" I swallowed my nerves and looked directly into his eyes.

"Y-yes, but," Jeez, Louise! I've regressed to my nervous teenage persona. Hunter raised his hand and cradled my face so tenderly.

"We go at your pace, remember?" I nodded and shifted my eyes away from his. "Look at me, Paige." I gulped softly and brought my eyes back to his. "I can stay in one of your guest rooms or out here in the living room if you want me to."

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