Chapter 13 - Paige

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The festival was a huge success, and we were only two hours into the event. I spent the majority of my time in the face painting area creating little butterflies, tigers, fairies, and other cute little creatures. Seeing the smiles on the kids' faces when I was done transforming them into a walking work of art was the best feeling in the world. The only thing that topped that was seeing Hunter at the kiddie games with other guys from my dad's and Uncle Shaun's firehouses.

Watching him put on the corny carnival-game host and interact with the festival goers made my heart hum. The smile on his face as he cheered the kids on and handed them prizes was endearing. I noticed he would look my way whenever he handed a prize to a child who had their face painted. He would throw me a wink and the most adoring smile causing me to blush every single time.

I was cleaning out my brushes after I had just finished transforming a cute little blond boy into a fierce lion when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see Hunter smiling down at me. I could not help but return a smile just as big as his. We stood there, staring into each other's eyes, smiling like a couple of shy high school teenagers, waiting to see who would speak first.

"The challenge will start soon," Hunter says as he walks closer to me, stopping just inches away from me. "I need to change into my gear."

"Um, ok. I'll head over to the obstacle field with the others after I wrap up here." Hunter and I continue to stare at each other and get lost in each other's eyes.

"Can I have a kiss for good luck, even though the only one who will need the luck is what's his face?" I bit my bottom lip and nodded my head. Hunter leans down, and without touching me, presses his lips against mine in a slow, sweet kiss that lasts a good two minutes. When he pulls away, he nuzzles my nose and sighs. "Good luck." I let out a snort-laugh and quickly cover my mouth. Hunter laughs at my reaction and kisses my forehead.

"I'm supposed to wish you luck, not the other way around," I say after I compose myself.

"I know." Hunter smiles and leans in for another soft kiss before leaving me and heading to the firehouse to change. I turn back to my table of paint and brushes and finish cleaning out my brushes with a smile on my face. The crush I had on him when we were younger has definitely bloomed into something bigger now, and I have a feeling it is only going to grow stronger.

A few minutes later, two women one blond and one brunette, walk up to my station. The blond takes a seat and looks at me with a smile.

"Can I get the firehouse number painted on my cheek? I want to show my support for the hottie representing them in the challenge." I keep a smile on my face even though I could feel a knot forming in my stomach.

"Sure. Who are you rooting for?" I ask her sweetly.

Don't say Hunter. Don't say Hunter.


Didn't I just tell her in my mind not to say Hunter?

"Sure. Any particular color paint?" The blond turns to my table and points out the colors she wants for the numbers and asks if I could add a couple of hearts around it. "So, do you two know Hunter?" I mentally kicked myself for asking a question I did not want to hear the answer to.

"No, but I'm hoping to get to know him later tonight." Her friend and her fist bump and fall into a fit of giggles. I resist the urge to plunge my paintbrush into her eye and focus on finishing what I am painting. "I heard some of the firemen say they were headed to a bar later tonight to celebrate the success of the festival. I hope he's there. I have a few ideas of how to help him celebrate." I quickly turned away from her to change paintbrushes and to hide my eye roll from her. "Don't we look so cute together?!" My head whips up and I turn to face her and her friend. They were looking at a picture on her phone and swooning.

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