Chapter 1

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I was a senior in high school and was two months away from being 18, and finally being recognized as an adult. I didn't live some sheltered life where I couldn't go out, or had never had a sip of alcohol. No, my parents were fairly relaxed, they let my siblings and I have a small drink here and there when they were around, and let us hang out with friends whenever we wanted.

My siblings and I were close growing up, but as we got older we started to drift apart like siblings often do. Mason was the oldest, being three years older meant he had started his own life with his own circle of friends. However Lawson and I were twins, so we remained close, naturally choosing the same group of friends.

Everything was great, we had loving parents, great friends and we were about to graduate.

It was a Saturday night, and one of the guys on the school's baseball team, was throwing a party. Me and my friends had been talking about it all week. There were rumours that this party was going to be the biggest of the year, as only seniors were supposed to be invited. Not just seniors from our school either, no, the whole town. Meaning seniors from 3 different schools could be at this party. Now do you see why it was said to be the biggest party of the year?

As my friends, my brother and I all arrived at this party, we were excited, already feeling the thrill, as the vibrations of the music could be felt from the sidewalk, and the red solo cups were scattered on the lawn and throughout the entry way and living room. We could see the strobe lights casting shadows and making you feel like you were in some underground club.

As we were walking to the kitchen to get ourselves drinks, I felt something shove me from behind, almost making me lose my balance. Luckily I caught myself in time to turn around and move out of the way as I saw two guys were throwing punches and falling into people. No one was concerned though, as these two idiots do this every chance they get. They were both interested in the same girl in freshman year and both got rejected, now they create competitions on who can get a girl faster. Neither has made it farther than a hello since.

As I refocused my attention on my friends I saw them giving their drink orders to the "bartender" behind the counter. He was the same kid, who at every party, designated himself the "bartender" for the evening. He was pretty good at mixing drinks though. He had a talent for mixing random alcohols and sodas into decent tasting drinks.

As I looked around I saw people playing beer pong and people outside by the pool. The house was very big and seemed expensive, the perfect place for teenagers on a Saturday night. As my friends and I made our way to the living room we saw people staying away from a sectional couch in the corner. I had never seen any of them before, so I figured they must have been older, as all three schools regularly did things together. I paid no attention to the guys on the couches, as did no one else.

As cliche as it sounds, I felt a gaze on me throughout the night. But every time I looked around, I didn't see anyone looking my way, so I ignored it.

At around 1:30am, I decided to call it a night. Two of the five people I had come with had already gone home, and my brother had disappeared about an hour ago. I told my two remaining friends that I was heading home, and called a cab.

As I was walking outside to wait for the cab, I noticed how calm the night was when you weren't surrounded by blasting music and drink teenagers, and the gentle breeze felt nice after being crowded my sweaty people all night. It was nice to just breathe in the fresh air, at least it was until I breathed in the smell of weed. Yuck! To me, nothing smells worse.

As I made my way past them I still felt that gaze on me, but I ignored it. Until I felt a tap on the shoulder making me jump. Turning around really fast, I sort of lost my balance and reached out to the stranger to regain my balance.

Once I'd regained my balance, I looked at the man in front of me and said "Jesus, you scared me. Couldn't you have said something, or made any sound. My god, you're quiet."

The guy looked amused if the smirk on his face was any indication. "Sorry," he apologized, "didn't meant to startle you. Just wanted to make sure you were alright, and see if you had a ride."

"I'm fine, thanks. And ya, I've got a ride." I said back, looking at this stranger confused, as I recognized him as one of the people from the couch in the corner.

"We'll that's too bad, I was gonna offer you a ride. Maybe see if you wanted to grab a bite sometime?" He responded back. He seemed nice, like he was t some serial killer or something but, "umm, do you go to Kinley High, I don't think I recognize you," I said avoiding his question about going out.

He seemed to notice though, so I guess he wasn't drunk enough for me to change topics without him noticing. Actually he didn't seem drunk at all, now that I'm looking. I may not have been the best person to be assessing right now thought, as I was mildly drunk. Not to the point of being hungover in the morning, but enough to see things a little hazy at the moment.

"No, I graduated a few years ago, I came because my friend's hosting. I'm here go make sure these kids don't get too crazy. Wouldn't want the cops called, would we?" He said back, answering my question of if he was a senior, which I had forgotten. Guess I might be affected by the alcohol a little more than I thought.

"Oh, ya, I guess not." I said as the cab I ordered pulled up behind me. "We'll I guess I should go, and you could go back to your supervising," I finished off, as looked back at the cab again.

"I guess so, I never caught you name, beautiful," he says ever since casually, as if he says it all the time. Which he probably does, because he is gorgeous, and radiates of confidence, I can only imagine that he's a player. Me on the other hand, I don't get compliments often, so I go red, fast.

"Amelia," I offer back, "and you," I add, remembering my manners.

"Christiano. Nice to meet you." he says back, offering me a beautiful smile as he extends his hand for me to shake. I do and offer a smile of my own back. We are interrupted by the cab honking for me to hurry up.

I turn back to Christiano and say, "well, it was nice meeting you, but I should go."

He responds back with "it was nice meeting you to Amelia, I'm sure I'll be seeing you around." And with he turned and walked away, leaving me to turn and get in the cab. Going over in my mind the events that just took place, and wondering if I will see him again. The way he said it sounded, sounded so sure, it almost sent a chill down my spine. Wether it was from uncertainty, excitement or the small chill of the Night air, I wasn't sure. But I hoped he was right, and that I'd see him again.

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