Chapter 7

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So this chapter will be a little different, both Amelia and Christiano's point of view will appear. Like previous chapter, I'll introduce whose perspective the story in taking place from. Both point of views will be from the same day. Enjoy.

Christiano's POV
(2 weeks after last chapter)

I woke up to my phone ringing beside my head. I ignored it, not caring who was calling, and tried to go back to sleep. The goal seemed achievable as I felt myself slipping away, my mind was hazy and no thoughts or worries appeared in my head.

Until the phone rang a second time. Now I knew I wasn't getting anymore sleep, and that really pissed me off.

I reached for the phone, ready to murder whoever was on the other end. I answered without looking who was calling, I honestly didn't care who.

"What?" is the first thing I said when answering the phone. Making it very clear to the person on the other end that I was not it the mood, with the no-nonsense tone in my voice.

The person on the other end, obviously didn't care, because the next thing I know, I'm hearing jokes and sarcasm. If I wasn't ready to murder them before, I definitely am now.

"Oh, good morning sunshine. I see someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning." I knew right away it was Kyle, no one else loves to annoy people more than him.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked again, really just wanting to get to the point so I could go back to sleep. It was a Saturday, and for once I didn't have any problems to solve or any pending threats, plaguing my mind. I was at peace, well until my phone rang.

"Todays the surf competition man, so get up, get ready and we'll be there in an hour." He replied, furthering my annoyance, as I didn't want to see anyone right now. I looked at the clock at it read 7 o'clock. The competition started at 9:30, so we needed to be there to check in by 9.

Thankfully I only live 20 minutes away from the beach so we wouldn't have a long drive.

"Alright, I'll get ready, and meet you there. Don't any of you show up at my house. You want food, you buy something, your not coming here and eating all my food, you hear me?" I made sure to add the buy his own food.

Last time the guys showed up, him and Matteo, ate all my food. Well not everything. They ate all the snacks, and left me with bread, cheese and one frozen waffle.

I have no clue where the waffle came from, I know I didn't buy any, so I don't have any idea how it showed up.

"Aww, common man. You always have good snacks," he whines into the phone.

"No, I'll see you guys there." With that I hung up with a smile, feeling a little better. Probably at the fact that he would be pouting and someone else's problem.

I reluctantly got out of bed, and headed to my ensuite to have a shower.

Once that was done I changed into a pair of blue board shorts and a plain white tank. I grabbed my wet suit, and headed to the kitchen.

I made myself bacon and eggs, with some toast. And once that was finished I put the dishes in the sink, knowing the housekeeper would clean them.

I grabbed my wallet and wet suit and headed to the garage. I grabbed to keys to my Jeep from the rack of keys, and put the few items in my hands into the vehicle, before grabbing my board and placing it into the back.

I got into the Jeep and checked the time on my phone, seeing it was 8:30. I sent a quick message to Alonzo, saying I was on my way. I didn't wait for a reply, just started the vehicle and drove out of the garage.

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