Chapter 9

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Amelia's POV
(Continuation of last chapter)

The ride back to my house was rather uncomfortable. We were both silent, not knowing what to say.

After Devon dropped me off, with parting words of "please don't think too much about it. Like I said, I'd rather have you in my life as a friend, than not at all," and a small but seemingly reassuring smile. We said bye, and he drove off.

When I walked into the house, I took off my shoes and walked up stairs.

I knew I couldn't avoid him or we'd lose our friendship, and that is the last thing I wanted. So I figured I'd give him a day or two, before we hang out. Maybe as a group so that he has a distraction if he needs one.


(The next day)

When I woke up this morning, I felt refreshed. I had a solid nine and a half hours of sleep, and I didn't have to work, so it is a great start to the day.

I got up, and walked downstairs, ready to find myself some breakfast as the clock on the stove read 10:23.

I debated on what I wanted with the cupboard open, simply scanning every item and coming up empty handed.

Then I walked to the fridge and did the same, coming to the same result, so I walked back to the pantry to repeat the process for another three minutes. (For those who know the process, you know how this goes.)

After looking in the fridge for the second time, I decided I would skip breakfast and instead just settle for coffee.

So once again, I travelled back to the fridge, however this time I knew what I wanted. As I moved the juice and milk that was on the top shelf of the refrigerator out of the way, I expected to find the vanilla creamer. After looking throughout the entire fridge, I realized if I wanted coffee I would need to go out to buy creamer.

I also realized that while I was out, I would just stop for a coffee and maybe something to eat too.

Turning around and heading back upstairs so I could change out of my pajamas, I saw Lawson walking down the stairs.

"Morning," he greeted when he saw me.

"Morning," I replied back, walking past him and up the stairs.

After brushing my hair and teeth, I changed into a pair of ripped black jeans, and a white tank, I grabbed my purse, which had my car keys and wallet already in it, and slipped my phone into my back pocket and walked back downstairs.

As I made it to the last stair, Lawson looked over and asked, "where are you going?"

"To get breakfast and to the store, I need creamer." I replied, "need anything from the store?" I asked, walking over to him.

"Nope, I think I'm all good." He says lazily with a shrug of his shoulders, sipping his black coffee.

With that I finally make my way out the door and to my car.

I open the drivers door and slid in, tossing my bag to the passenger seat. I then start the car, and back out of the driveway, before driving down the road to the diner near my house. It is absolutely my favourite place to eat.

Once there, I parked in one of the spots in front, and got out, grabbing my bag and locking my car, before heading into the diner.

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