Chapter 14

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Amelia's POV
(Flashback to 1 years ago)

I used to view him as something unattainable. He was elusive, here one minute then gone for weeks. Always joining back in as if no time had passed. I always admired that about him, his ability to join any crowd like he belonged, no  hesitation or resistance.

I used to pay attention to his moments, his absence, his words. Always calm and collected, outgoing and athletic, yet reserved and calculated. He was an anomaly in my mind. Someone I could never figure out, but someone I truly wanted to.

When I was old enough to notice boys, he was the first one who caught my attention. And by time I entered high school, my intrigue had turned into infatuation.

I'll admit, dating a freshman wouldn't be that appealing to a senior, but to me that senior was everything I wanted.

After Seb and Mason's graduation, became even more elusive, until one day he vanished. Mason was in contact with him every once in a while, but even he didn't know where he was.

About 2 years later, I came home from school in my junior year, and found Sebastian sitting on our porch steps. He was wearing his typical leather jacket, and his handsome face had a few light bruises, as if the wounds were inflicted days ago.

"Seb, what happened?" I asked in concern.

"Nothing major, just a little fight," he said with a shrug.

"Where have you been? It's been a while," I pointed out, hoping he'll be more detailed in his answer for once.

"Had some stuff to sort out," he says evasively. Leaving me wondering why he was so closed off suddenly. Where has he been? What has he been dealing with?

"Would you like to come inside?" I asked walking past him. He stood up and silently followed.

"Mase isn't home yet, but he should be done work in about an hour or two." I finished, heading to the kitchen to get a snack.

Sebastian went and took a seat on the couch, while I grabbed a bowl and filled it with popcorn, before joining him in the living room.

I sat beside him, offering him some popcorn, which he accepted. Same old Sebastian, never could refuse popcorn, I thought to myself, smiling.

"So...," I said, trying to start a conversation, but trailing off, unsure what to say.

He waited patiently for me to finish my sentence, staring at me the whole time.

"Are you okay?" I asked, sincerely. Worried about the bruises, about his absence the past two years, and about him leaving again.

"Yes, I'm fine. No need to worry about me, Princess." He said, giving me a small smile.

Something about the way he said Princess, it was different than the other times he'd said it. He used to say it in a mocking way, but this time was more sincere, more genuine. Suddenly, a wave of sadness washed through me, he's leaving again, isn't he? Maybe it's for good this time. Maybe that's why he's being nice, instead of like the annoying older brother personality he usually does.

"You're leaving again, aren't you?" I asked sadly, unable to look him in the eyes.

He gently grabbed my chin, and turned me so he could look into my eyes. "I'm not promising anything, but I have no intentions of leaving for so long again. I may at some point need to leave for a few days, but I'm back." He said, with a small smile.

A smile spread across my face, as I wrapped my arms around his neck, giving him a big hug.

He chuckled at the unexpected embrace, but hugged me back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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