Chapter 4

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Christiano's POV (21 years old)
(Time jump back to yesterday at the party..)

I was glad that my friend Jake was throwing this party, I really needed to let go of all this stress. I didn't even care that it was a party full of high school kids. I know I'm only a few years older than most of these kids, but their idea of 'fun' is playing beer pong all night long and hooking up in corners.

Then again, my idea of 'fun' is a chase. Like chasing down my enemies, which is what I should be doing as the Renegades have been encroaching on our territory recently. I did send them a warning though, I just hope they received the message clearly. But if not I'd be happy to send another by wiping their whole little gang out.

Uhh, I was at this party to get my mind off gang issues for the night. It was starting to give me a headache as now I have cops side eyeing every move I make, due to some newbies leaving a mess that I now have to clean up.

I tuned back into the conversation between Jake and a few of his friends– all of them were in the gang, so I knew all of them, and took a sip of my beer, just to find it empty.

So as I stood up to get something a little stronger, because the beer clearly wasn't strong enough to keep my mind off of business, I sensed the attention in the room shift to me.

I knew I radiated danger and anger, even when I wasn't trying to be intimidating. I was used to the stares from the girls wanting my attention and the side eyes from the guys as if I was getting ready to kill someone. Even though I was used to it, didn't make it less annoying.

I walked to the kitchen to find that there was a guy on the other side of the bar, making drinks and taking orders. I rolled my eyes but followed everyone else's lead, and 'ordered' a rum and coke. It tasted pretty good, maybe this guy did know a thing or two about bartending.

As I made my way back to my friends I noticed a group of people walk in. There were six of them, but it wasn't the group that caught my attention, it was the girl at the back of the group. The tall blonde, who seemed to thrive amongst her friends, radiating joy and confidence.

I'm not sure what caught my attention, maybe it was that she wasn't half naked like most girls here. I'm not sure really, but I looked the other way, and continued back to my 'friends.'

The people I considered to be my real friends were having a pocket night or something, but I needed a bigger distraction, which is why I was here.

The blasting music and the base of the speakers had a way of clouding your mind, and the alcohol did wonders with letting loose and forgetting. But I wasn't one to get drunk, not when you are a target due to lessons a gang.

I couldn't afford to completely let go of my intuition and cut off my mind from thinking. It was what would keep me alive if something happened. That and the skills that have been drilled into my head. The skills that are now instinct.

As I made it back to my spot on the couch, the guys were talking about their upcoming baseball championship.

That was another reason I was here tonight, to ensure that there was no massive fights, especially between rival schools. It wasn't that I was against fighting, no, I almost wanted something to happen so that I could start fighting.

I've been feeling anxious lately, it's been a while since my last fight, maybe I could get into underground fighting, that could be fun. There you fight as much as you want, no rules, just your two fists and a target.

A few guys in the gang do it, they say it's almost therapeutic, but I'm not sure I have the time.

As I zone back into my thoughts yet again, I look out to the dance floor and watch all the people dancing. Well some are dancing, others, no so much, if you know what I mean.

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