Chapter 11

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(Christiano's POV)

It was almost 4pm, and the guys and I were all chilling at the clubhouse after having discussed a few gang issues.

Kyle and Mateo have been acting weird. Every time Kyle starts to mention "this morning," Mateo cuts him off. Vince, Alonzo, and myself have just been observing the two, but it's getting on my nerves.

As Kyle opened his mouth again, I shot Mateo a warning glare to keep his mouth shut. But when I heard Kyle speak, my glare concentrated on him.

"You know Chris, you should really bring Amelia around. She's super chill, and funny," Kyle says with a chuckle, which quickly turned into a nervous chuckle when he saw the look on my face.

Mateo shot him an incredulous look, shaking his head slightly at him.

"What do you mean by that?" I asked firmly, wanting him to elaborate on how he knew any of this.

"Amelia, you know the girl you've been daydreaming about-"

I cut him off before he could finish. "I'm well aware of who you're talking about. I want to know why you're talking about her and how you know this." I elaborated, with my stare fixated solely on him.

"Well we had breakfast with her this morning at the diner on Sampson. You know, the retro one?" He said as if I should have known this.

"Why?" I asked, sitting up straighter to hear what he was saying.

"Well we went for breakfast and Mateo bumped into her. So we ended up sitting with her and talking while we ate," he finished nonchalantly, as I turn my head to look at Mateo and Vince.

I didn't know how I felt in this moment. Jealousy? Irritation? Annoyed? Infuriation? Who the fuck knows. All I know is that I didn't like hearing it.

Vince must have sensed the tension, as he says, "relax man, no one hit on her, no one mentioned you. It was just a chill conversation, nothing more. I don't think she remembered us as being your friends."

I'm not sure if that eased my racing mind, but my thoughts became a little clearer. That is until Kyle opened his mouth again.

"Next time we hang out you can come, man. I told her we need to hangout again soon, and we talked about inviting all our friends too. So you'll get to see her again." Kyle finished.

"How do you know you'll be hanging out soon?" I asked. Confused how he was getting in contact with her, but already knowing the answer.

"Oh easy, we exchanged numbers. How else would we make any plans? Can't exactly send messenger pigeons these days" he says with a laugh. One I didn't reciprocate.

Jealousy. That was the emotion I was feeling right now. But also grateful that I would hopefully see her again. For some reason this girl has plagued my mind ever since I met her at that party.


Amelia's POV
(One week later)

It was around 6:30pm when I arrived home from work at the bookstore.

As soon as I opened the front door, shouting could be heard, followed by the sound of virtual bullets. I dropped my keys and bag on the table in the foyer, and headed to the kitchen for a snack.

I found some bagged popcorn in the cupboard, fumping some into a bowl for myself and then walking into the living room to see who was home.

As I rounded the corner, I just narrowly missed the throw pillow that was chucked in my direction.

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