Chapter 13

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Amelia's POV

I had to admit, I wasn't too excited about the idea of going clubbing when Kyle had asked, but I'm really happy we did. It was so much more fun than I thought it would be.

Olivia and Hunter spent majority of their night grinding on each other, and Devon seemed to find an interest in a couple girls, which was great because I want him to find someone and be happy.

I know the club probably isn't the place he's gonna find 'the one', but it's a start. I still felt bad about rejecting him, but leading him on was so much worse. Our friendship has been a little strained since that day on the boardwalk, but we're slowly moving past it, thankfully.

Mason has been in and outta sight, finding different girls to dance with, if you can even call that dancing, so I haven't made it a habit of wondering where he is.

And Sebastian, well Sebastian has been dancing and drinking, but always seems to be hovering, making sure we're all okay. You can almost say he's in dad mode right now, I thought chuckling to myself.

I realized I haven't seen some of Chris's friends in a while, but Kyle and Vince seem to stick around the group. Now that I think about it, where's Chris? He said he was going to get drinks a little while ago, but I haven't seen him since.

I turned around to try and locate Chris, but Sebastian came into view, grabbing my arm and twirling me around, bringing me back to face him.

"You having fun, Princess?" He asked with a small smile.

"Ya, I guess you agreeing was a good idea. Kinda forced me into it, but it's been a really fun night," I said smiling back at him.

He spun me around and pulled me into him, allowing his arms to rest around my waist. "Well, we can always keep the party going," he says to me, winking as I look at him.

"Eww, no thanks. I'm definitely gonna pass on that offer. Who knows what you've caught," I said wrinkling my nose in disgust as I pulled away from him.

"You know, you used to really like me, like a huge crush," he said laughing. "What happened to that girl?" He asked.

"That girl was young and thought an older guy was cool. But she got ignored too many times, so she moved on. And it wasn't that big of a crush, just a minor schoolgirl crush," I said with an eye roll.

He wrapped his arm around me again, pulling me closer to face him this time. "I did what I had to, Princess. You needed someone who would be around more, someone who wasn't gonna drag you into any messes. I was a flight-risk back then, I had too much going on, and I thought dating my best friend's litter sister would complicate too many things," he said genuinely, looking me in the eyes the whole time.

"So, what's changed? Why do you act interested now? What's changed?" I asked, curious to his answer.

"Now, I have some things sorted out. I have built my own life and can support myself, I'm not taking orders from anyone else. And as for your brother, I think I could take a punch or two," he finished with a smirk.

"So you've matured, and you like the drama?" I asked, chuckling a little.

"No, Princess. I've realized some things in life are worth the wait, but chances come and go. I missed my chance last time, so now I'm going to wait for another. I've always looked out for you, even if you didn't see it, and I will continue to always watch out for you, which is why I'm going to tell you to stay away from Chris. He's no different than I was back then, Ami. He's got more going on than you'd think. I'm not telling you this so I can swoop in and steal you, I told you I'd wait and I mean it. I'm telling you this because I want you to be careful, proceed with caution. I'll always be here for you, and to look out for you, but there is some things I can't stop. And you catching feelings for him is one of them. So please, be careful. Take what I said into consideration," he finished, looking me sincerely in the eyes once again.

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