Chapter 8

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Just like last chapter there with be alternating point of views. All point of views will be the same day.

Amelia's POV
(Continuing where last chapter left off)

That was amazing. Christiano was amazing. I don't know much about surfing, but the way he rode those waves, like he had memorized the oceans every move, was mesmerizing to watch.

Like everyone else, I watched as he made it out of the wave right as it crests, and he rides out the last of the wave, before laying back down on his board and paddling back to the beach.

I can't keep the smile from my face as I clap and cheer with every person that surrounds me.

I watch as he makes it out of the water, board in hand, and looks at the crowd cheering, meeting my eyes with a proud, kind of cocky smile on his face.

I watch as his friends all approach him and give him a bro hug, before he looks my way again.

I think I catch a look in eyes that looks something like relief and pride. I get why, surfing looks difficult, but he did it. He rode the wave and made it look easy, when a number of surfers had gotten tossed on a lot smaller waves today.

I was so happy for him. I don't know much about how the competition scoring works, but as one of his friends says something to him, he turns towards the score chart and smirks a little.

He makes eye contact with me once more, looking slightly conflicted before his face clears of all emotion, then a smile is presented once more my way. He then turns and walks off with his friends.

I watch him for a few seconds, then look forward as the next competitor jogs to the ocean, ready for his ride.

I feel eyes on me and turn around to see Devon watching me with a slightly confused and dazed look like he's thinking. When he catches me looking he gives me a smile, saying "this is pretty cool, huh?"

"Ya, super cool. I'm really glad we came today," I say back with a smile. Devon's face suddenly lights up, and he looks backwards the water.

Curious about the sudden change I ask him, "so, what's got you so happy all of a sudden?"

He just shrugs and says a quick "nothing." I don't believe him, but if he doesn't want to talk right now, that's fine, so I leave it alone and turn back towards the water where I see a woman, paddling out deeper.

I turn back to Devon to see the smile still on his face, and I mentally connect the dots, thinking she is what got him smiling with excitement.

"Nothing, wouldn't happen to have a purple wet suit and be riding a wave right now would she?" I ask back with a little bit of teasing in my tone.

His head whips to me with a look of confusion and as I look back towards the water he follows my gaze. Suddenly his face drops and his head whips back to face me, with a look that shows worry as he quickly and firmly says "no, she is definitely not what I'm thinking about."

He looks like he's gauging my reaction, and I can't figure out why, but I give him a smile and say "ok, sorry, I was just joking. Are you okay, I didn't mean to upset you or anything?" I say reaching for his hand, trying to offer comfort in case I did actually upset him.

"No, I'm fine. Don't worry about me, my mind is just somewhere else I guess." He says, as he squeezes my hand a little, and gives me a little smile to show he's alright.

"Now, watch the surfing missy, you were the one, who made sure we were all present today," he says a playfully, acting like his normal, cheery self.

I smile, and say "aye, aye, captain," giving him a little salute for good measure as I turn back to the water before looking at him once more. We both laugh, and go back to watching the competition.

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