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(Note:Ford will call Nimitz a Senpai)

In the middle of the Ocean two men were lying on the water.

Ford:*wakes up* huh where are we..

Ford looks around and he saw male next to him. He gets up and went to male.He grab his shoulder and shakes him.

Ford:Senpai wake up!!!!!

Nimitz:*opening eyes slowly* Huh who are you?

Ford:it's me USS Gerald R. Ford.


Nimitz Screams. Ford let go his hand on his shoulder and Nimitz gets up.

Nimitz: Why are we a Human!!!?

Ford: I don't know senpai.

Nimitz:Anyway where are we?.

Ford: I don't know Senpai. I just remember we went through the vortex and then we went here.

Nimitz:Oh right I remember it.

Nimitz and Ford just look around and then they heared a voice on Nimitz Radio.

.....:Hello anybody we need backup Azur lane is underattack by sirens.

Nimitz:This is USS Nimitz of the United States identify youreself.

.....:HMS Prince of Wales of the Royal Navy Can you help us?

Nimitz:Where is you location

Wales:(Tells the location)

Nimitz:Alright on our way.

Nimitz puts his radio back on his waist.

Ford:Who is that Senpai.

Nimitz:I don't know she says she is HMS Prince of Wales of the Royal Navy.

Ford:Is it the Queen Elizabeth-Class or the King George V Class?

Nimitz:No idea and She is asking for help their base is underattack by the sirens.

Ford:Sirens? Never heared of it.

Nimitz:Me neither come on let's go help them.

Ford:But how are we gonna get there?.

Before Nimitz could answer a they heared a noise behind the. They turn around and saw the water boiling, as the boiling increases a two gigantic Ships emerged from the water, it revealed the two Nuclear Carriers.

Ford:Whoa!!!!that's my ship!

Nimitz closes his eyes, his ship turns into a cubes and it went behind him turn into a rigging.

Ford: Whoa!!! Senpai how do you do that?

Nimitz:Close your eyes and imagine it.

Ford Closes his eyes, his Ship turns into a cubes and went behind him turning into a rigging.

Ford:This is Awesome!!!

Two cube went into their hands turning into a Sniper Rifle with a Bridge on the scope.

Ford:Wow we have a sniper.

Nimitz:Yeah Well your's looks cool.

Ford pulls the trigger and it fires a Beam.

Ford:This thing is great.

Nimitz:Yeah Whatever Come on Let's go and help them.

Ford:You got it!!

Nimitz and Ford set a full speed.

Meanwhile At Azur Lane

Meanwhile At Azur Lane

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USS Nimitz and USS Gerald R. Ford on Azur Lane ( 2 Nuclear Carriers x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now