CHAPTER 18🍋 for Nimitz Part 2 (Love making with the Yorktown-Class)

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After taking a bath on the hot spring, Nimitz walking on the hallway. Making his way to his room.

Nimitz:Damn, those two.....

As he reach there, he open the door, and close it. As he turn around, he saw the Yorktown-class standing in front of him.

Nimitz:You guys, is something wrong?

They are wearing a strap nightdress. Yorktown wears a black nightdress, Enterprise wears the white, and Hornet wears the yellow. Hornet's hair wasn't tied on pig tail, instead, her long hair are cascading down, just like Enterprise.

Enterprise:Hey Nimitz.

Nimitz:Is there a problem, my loves?

Yorktown:W-well, we just want to.....


Hornet:We want to make love with you.


Enterprise:You don't want to?

Nimitz:What! N-no, It's just.....


Nimitz:I'm thinking of this earlier, so, I will make love with you three.

The Yorktown-class walks closer to him, and press their bodies on Nimitz.

Yorktown:We will give you a good pleasure~


(Warning! This is a lemon chapter again)

All of them are naked now, Nimitz is sitting on the side of the bed. While Enterprise, and, Hornet sitting on his side, pressing their bossom on his biceps, and their hands rubbing his muscular abs. Yorktown is kneeled in front of Nimitz, she held his shaft and sucking the head.

Nimitz:Oh...... Yorktown...

Hornet:Hehe, does it feel good?

Enterprise:Big sis Yorktown's mouth feels good?


Yorktown:*bops* I'm glad you enjoying it *kiss*

Yorktown continues play with his member, then she decided another idea to pleasure him. She grab her large bossom, and she put his member on her cleavage.

Nimitz:T-There soft......

Yorktown:You like my breast?~

Nimitz:Y-Yeah..... keep rubbing it.....

Yorktown:I'm glad you enjoying it.

Yorktown continue to rub her breasts on hid member. Enterprise, and Hornet began to nibble his ear.


A moment later, Yorktown began to pick up the pace. Nimitz moan, as he feel something.

Nimitz:Yorktown...... I-m Cumming!

Yorktown:Release it! Cum for me!

Enterprise:*whispers* Cum for, Big sis Yorktown~


Nimitz release his seed. It spatter on her face, and bossom. Yorktown licks the head of his member, tasting the seed.

Yorktown:mmmhh, you taste so good~

Nimitz:*pants* that felt good...

Enterprise:It's my turn now~ Nimitz, please stand up.

Yorktown stand up, and went to sit on the bed. As Enterprise order, Nimitz stand up. Enterprise went to his front. They stare at each others eyes. She press her body with him, pressing her bossoms on his chest.

USS Nimitz and USS Gerald R. Ford on Azur Lane ( 2 Nuclear Carriers x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now