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Belfast is walking on the hallway then she enters on Enterprise room. Enterprise is sleeping until she wakes up when Belfast opens the curtains revealing the Sunlight.

Belfast:Goodmorning, Enterprise

Timeskip on the Cafeteria

Enterprise:What exactly are we doing here?

Belfast was going to put the on the table but....

Enterprise:I prefer Coffee.

Belfast:Coffee is a wonderful Beverage,
But to much to hurt your stomach. Especially if your stomach is empty.

Enterprise:I had plenty to eat.

Belfast grabs Enterprise's chocolate bar.

Belfast:Out of the Question. Enterprise you will improve your way of living. Running on a strict and regular schedule is a key to leading an elegant life.

Belfast put the breakfast on the table.

Enterprise:Why are you interfering in my life? What are you thinking?

Belfast:I would like to witness something.


Belfast:The human soul hidden inside you.

Enterprise stares on the tea.

Enterprise:I don't get it.

The she drink the coffee

At the outside of the building

Enterprise:How are the Dragon Empery girls doing? It seemed like the elderly sister was badly injured

Belfast:They are...

They saw the Dragon Empery cruisers selling some food.

Ning Hai:One order, coming up!

Hammann was trying to place a black pot on the food to make a Panda face, but she failed.

Hammann:Why does hammann have to help?!

Ping Hai:Jiayou, keep at it.

Ning Hai:Ping Hai! Don't eat foods we're selling!

Enteprise:They started a business.

Belfast:Their resilience is quite exemplary.

Nimitz then came with them.

Nimitz:Hey, you two.

Belfast:Oh, Nimitz, where is Ford?

Nimitz:He is with Wales.

Belfast:Oh, I see...


Nimitz:How are you ,Enterprise?

Enterprise:I'm fine

Ping Hai went to them and gave Nimitz, Belfast and Enterprise a food.

Ping Hai:Here you go.

Enterprise:Hmm? Oh no, Thank you...

Ping Hai:My sister said don't worry about the payment.

Ning Hai:*nods*

Ping Hai:You saved us. We want to thank you.

The Three eats it.

Nimitz:It's good.


After they heared from Ning Hai and Ping Hai what happened to them.

Hornet:You mean High-Class sirens are doing something?

USS Nimitz and USS Gerald R. Ford on Azur Lane ( 2 Nuclear Carriers x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now