3K 37 14

Waters adjacent to Azur Lane base

Northampton:Hammann, calm down.

Hammann:There is no time to relax! Hammann's base is in danger!

Helena:Um, like I said, the base told us the attack have already been repelled.

Hammann:We have to hurry!!!!

Hammann cruised quickly.

Northampton:How energetic, She is been like this since yesterday.

Long Island:This ghost is exhausted...

Arizona:It seems like the famous Enterprise was the one who beats the enemy.

Northampton:Enterprise...?, Hornet, that's must be your...?

Hornet:Yeah, it's quite a burden, having such a champion big sister.

Arizona:And some two carriers beat the enemy aswell, and one more thing, they are Males.

Everyone except Hammann:MALES!!?

Hammann:What's with that lazy chit chat?! The enemy could come at any moment!

Hornet:Hamman is right. If would be best if we hurried along.

Helena detect something



They saw a 2 Sakura Carriers approaching to them.

Hornet:I guess were a bit too slow.

Helena:Sakura Empire 5th Carrier Division...

Hammann:Oh...They look strong.
Two-bit goons, Hammann will beat them up!


Shoukaku:Oh, poor me, bullied by those mean senpais... Do you think so, Zuikaku?

Zuikaku:Come on, big sis, can you take this seriously? This is our chance to make the 1st carriers division elders how strong we are.

Shoukaku:Oh, Zuikaku, you are such a straightforward girl. Don't worry, Zuikaku, Big sis has your back!

Zuikaku:That's right!, as long as you are with me, I have nothing to fear!

Zuikaku ready her Katana.

At Azur Lane base

Wales:We have to help hornet and the others. Which ship is ready to move?

Illustrious:Wales!, Enterprise, She...


Nimitz:*sigh*That girl is really stubborn.

Ford:Come on, Senpai, we have to follow her.

Nimitz:Right, Come on, Lets go.

Enterprise cruising at Max Speed with Cleveland following her trying to stop her.

Cleveland:Enterprise!, You are going too far ahead!

Enterprise:There is no time to waste! Ngh...!

Enterprise collapse a bit

Cleveland: You are still severly damaged! You are just being reckless!

Enterprise:Hornet is my sister.


Cleveland let go and Enterprise increase her speed.

Cleveland:So you have a human side after all. Oh, well, I guess I have to help you.

USS Nimitz and USS Gerald R. Ford on Azur Lane ( 2 Nuclear Carriers x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now