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[The battle has began between the Shipgirls, and sirens. The Eagle Eunion helps the Sakura Empire.]

(Let's skip where the Crane sisters fighting against Kaga.)

Zuikaku:Why are you working with the Sirens?! This is wrong!

Kaga:My only wish is to make dear sister Akagi's wishes come true!

Kaga fires a blue flame to Zuikaku, then suddenly, Ford appears in front of them blocking Kaga's attack.

Kaga:You! How dare you interfere!

Ford:Zuikaku, Shoukaku, I'll handle this, go help the others.


Ford:It's fine, Kaga will be ok.

Shoukaku:Please, Let her return to her self.

Ford:I will.

The Crane sisters moves out.

Ford:Kaga, please you don't have to do this. The Sirens are brainwashing you, and Akagi.

Kaga:Shut up! My dear sister wishes this, so I will do what she wishes!

Kaga launches D3A Vals, then it dives to attack Ford.

Ford:Damn it!

*BRRRRTTTTT* Ford activate his CIWS, destroying all the planes. Kaga fires a huge blue fireball, hitting Ford.


Kaga:Now, DIE!

Kaga creating a another fireball.

Ford:That's Enough!

Ford dashes towards at her, as he get close, he grabs her Kimono.

Ford:You have to wake up! FIRST CARRIER DIVISION!

Ford headbutts her, the she collapse on the Ocean. Finally, she returns to herself.

Kaga:This is absurd, what's the matter with you?

Ford:You have been brainwashed, Kaga.

Kaga stares at the others, who are still fighting with the Sirens. Kaga eyes began to tears.

Kaga:Please *Sobs* help my sister *sobs* and save Nimitz aswell.

Ford:I will.

Ford began to dashes, and moves out.

Kaga:Amagi *sobs* I'm sorry.


The Kongo-Class firing their cannons at Siren ships.

Kongo:Release everything we've got, Sisters!


They destroyed the Siren ship, then a Siren jet is diving above Hiei.

Kirishima:Hiei nee-san, above you!

Hiei saw a Siren Jet coming towards her, then a tomahawk missile appears hitting the Jet. Then, someone picks Hiei up in bridal style, and dashes to avoid the falling debris.

Hiei:Thank you.

Then, he puts her down.

Hiei:Whats your name?

Myōkō:I am Myōkō, you're welcome.

He grabs Hiei's hand, and kiss it, Hiei blushes, then he let go. He grab his Katana.

Myōkō:Let's fight together, miss.


Skimmer:I'm joining aswell.

USS Nimitz and USS Gerald R. Ford on Azur Lane ( 2 Nuclear Carriers x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now