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All Ships on the base were heavily damaged. The manjuus tows San Diego
As she is on the shore, Wales and Illustrious were talking about the Two Supercarriers.

San Diego:NOOOO!!!!!MY SHIP!!!!!😭😭

San Diego cries as her ship sunk on the shallow water.

At the Azur Lane office.

Wales:So your ships were very Big huh?

Nimitz:Indeed, Miss Wales.

Illustrious:How many displacement are you two?

Ford:Well, about 100,000 tons.

Cleveland:Wow, you two are very heavy.

Nimitz:Anyway, this place is very beautiful. It looks like Pearl Harbor.

Ford:Senpai, I can't believe we will meet the WW2 ships in alternate timline.

Nimitz:Me neither, specially the Grey Ghost.

Enterprise:How do you know my nickname?

Nimitz:Well, you were the most decorated ship in our timeline during WW2. I also know you're sisters aswell.

Enterprise was shock as Nimitz know her.

Enterprise:What happen to me and my sisters on your timeline?

Nimitz:it's sad to say but, you're sisters sunk by japanese, and you were scrapped.

Enterprise froze as she heared that her sisters were sunk and she was scrapped.
Tears began to come out on her eyes.Nimitz walk to Enterprise and hug her

Nimitz:Don't worry It won't happen on this timeline. And you're sisters will be safe aswell.

Enterprise blushed as Nimitz hug her.

Enterprise mind:What is this, Why my heart beating so hard and I feel warm when I'm close to him.

Nimitz let go of her

Ford:Ohh, Does senpai fell in love in the legendary grey ghost~.

Nimitz:(Death Glare at Ford) YOU BETTER KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT KOUHAI!!!!!

Ford:(Flinches) damn, I'm just teasing you senpai.

Nimitz:That's what I thought.Anyway do you have a rooms we are tired so we need a rest.

Wales:I'm sorry we don't have anyleft.

Ford:Well, Miss Wales we will sleep on our ship.

Wales think about it if she want Ford to rest on his room.

Wales mind:I feel warm and My Heart throb when Ford was close to me.

Wales:F-Ford you can sleep on my room.

All of them stare at Wales when she said that.

Ford:Ohh, I see, does Miss Wales feels lonely~.

Wales blushed

Wales:Well I-I......

Ford:HAHAHAHA, Well I'm just teasing you.

Nimitz bonks his head.


Nimitz:Idiot!, Stop Teasing anybody!.

Ford:Ok ok, Jeezzz.

Nimitz:Well I will go and rest now, see you later.

Nimitz walks out on the office as he went to his ship to rest. Wales went to her room with Ford.

USS Nimitz and USS Gerald R. Ford on Azur Lane ( 2 Nuclear Carriers x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now