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Nimitz is resting on the Medical room.
Enterprise, and Ford, are sitting on the side. Vestal is checking on Nimitz.

Enterprise:Is he gonna be okay?

Vestal:He is fine, Enterprise.

Ford:It's my fault....

Enterprise:Don't blame yourself, Ford. You did the right thing to expell the darkness inside him.

Then an alarm sound.

Ford:What the......

Enterprise:What's going on.

Ford and Enterprise went to the hallway.

Enterprise:Hornet! What going on?!

Hornet:Ship dected, sis!

Ford:Come on, let's get to the bay!


Enterprise:Where are they?

Ford using binoculars, searching at sea.

Ford:Ship spotted!


Ford:No, let me zoom it.

Ford zooms the binocular.

Ford:Not sirens, it's a....

Wales:What is it?

Ford:This is weird, I saw Three Arleigh Burke-Class, 4 Unidentified Ships, and the....

George:What is the other one?

Ford:An Iowa-class? But, they are retired.

Wales:Do you know them?

Ford:Yes, they are my allies. Except on those three unidentified ship. They look weird.

Wales:Ok, can you get close to them?

Ford:Ok, George, York, can you come with me?

George:Sure, my love.

York:Of course, my adonis~

Ford, George, and York, went to their Ships, and sail towards to the unknown fleet.


The 8 Ships was onboard on Missouri's deck, JPJ is at the top of turret 1, using binoculars. Sampson, and Myoko, standing at the starboard side, having conversation. The 3 Regents are standing on the port side having, conversation too. Missouri is standing at the forward. Looking up at the sky.

Missouri:So peaceful.

Then Mothership went behind him, she press her body on him. Squeezing her bust on his back. She reach around and place her hand on his 6 packs abs. This cause the Mighty mo to blush.

Missouri:Hey!.... What are you doing?!....

Mothership:Spending time with you~

Mothership then rub his 6 packs abs, causing the mighty mo to moan slightly.

Missouri:Stop.... they are sensitive.....

Mothership:Well, looks like I found you weak spot ufufufu~

Missouri:Stop it.... or I kill you...

Mothership:Try me~

Mothership rubs his abs faster. Causing the Mighty Mo to yelp.

Missouri:DAMN IT!!..... STOP!!!......

Mothership:No, I love seeing you like this~

JPJ:Ship, Detected!!

Mothership finally cease her rubbing. Missouri pushes her away.

USS Nimitz and USS Gerald R. Ford on Azur Lane ( 2 Nuclear Carriers x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now