CHAPTER 17 🍋 for Nimitz (Having a good time with the kitsunes)

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The battle between the Sirens, and the kansens are over. Akagi is given a light punishment by Nagato. Yorktown is also awakened, and feeling better now. The Nations began to sign a peace treaty.

Ford, and the KGV-class went to visit Iron Blood. He met the Bismarck, and Tirpitz. The Bismarck class, and Ford develop a relationship.

Yorktown, and Hornet confess their feelings to Nimitz aswell, Nimitz accept them as their girlfriends aswell. Nimitz together with the Yorktown-class went to Sakura Empire. He visits Akagi, and Kaga. Kaga also confess to Nimitz.

The Arleigh-Burkes began dating the two Brooklyn-sub class. Myōkō also dating Hiei. Missouri, and Arizona are dating too. The Garenonians Stingers become a Girlfriends of the 4.

[2 Months Later at Azur Lane base]

Nimitz, and Ford are walking on the hallway.



Ford:What do you think of this world we went?

Nimitz:Hmm.... It's good, I rather be here, because unlike in our world, we are just a Ship, carrying peoples, and we will be scrapped after 50 years.

Ford:It's True, look how the Big E dismantle alongside me, in Newport. I'll rather be here in this world too.

Nimitz:Yeah...... I shall go to bath now.

Ford:Alright sir, I'll be on my room.

Nimitz went to the Hot spring, he open the door, and began stripping. He wrap a towel around his waist, then he proceed to the bathroom, as he open the door, he saw all of his Fox girlfriends are in the Hot spring, both are naked, revealing their voluptous body.


Kaga:Look who's here~

Nimitz:Oh, my loves, you all here.

Then he began unwrapping his towel. His girlfriends were shocked when they saw his.......

Kaga:Ohhhh~ so big~

Akagi:Dear~ it's so so big~ hehe~

Nimitz walk on the hot water then he sat down.

Nimitz:Damn, It's so good.

Then his girlfriends went at him. Akagi sat on his rightside, while kaga sat on the leftside, pressing their body against him. Their hands are rubbing on his thighs.

Nimitz:H-Hey...... What are you two doing?

Akagi:No need to be shy~

Kaga:We will give you a good time~


Akagi slowly moving her hand toward his member, then she grab the shaft. Kaga do the same, she move her hand slowly toward his ball, and grabs it. Akagi slowly stroke his member, and Kaga slowly playing his balls. This cause Nimitz groan a little.

Nimitz:Ohh..... F-fuck....

Akagi:ufufufufu~ you like it~?

Kaga:does it turn you excited~?

Nimitz:Y-yess...... ohhhhh......

Akagi put her freehand behind his head, and tilt his head facing her, and kiss him passionately, while jerking him off. Kaga, began licking his neck, while playing his balls.

Akagi:mmmhhhh~ kiss me more~ mmmhhhh~

Kaga:You're excited, aren't you~?

Nimitz:W-well..... you two started this....

USS Nimitz and USS Gerald R. Ford on Azur Lane ( 2 Nuclear Carriers x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now