CHAPTER 23 🍋 for Sampson

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On the hallway, Helena is having conversation with her Sister, St Louis.

Helena: Nee-san, I can't! It's embarrasing.

St Louis: My dear Helena, I know you can. Trust me, it hurts on the first time, but will enjoy it later~.

Helena: *Blushes Hard*

St Louis: *patted Helena's Head* Helena, I know you are shy, but you need Confident when making love with someone.


Helena is walking on the Hallway, then....

Helena: *gasp*

Someone picks her up, forming in bridal style.

Sampson: Got you~

Helena: You scared me! *blushing*

Sampson went to his room, while carrying Helena.


Sampson opens the door, then went inside his room. Archer is already on his room, she sat on the side of the bed and already naked, except on her black garter belt, and stockings. Sampson put Helena down on his bed.

Archer: You've finally bring her.

Sampson: Yeah, Shall we began?

Archer: Let's do it.

Helena: P-Please be gente.....

Archer: Don't worry, we're not gonna be rough.


Helena, now already naked is seated on the center bed with Archer behind her. She rest her head in Archer's Big Breasts, while Sampson licks her pussy.

Helena: Ngh!.... Sampson......

Sampson: *Stop licking and looks up at her* Does it feel you good?

Helena: Y-Yess.....

Archer: See, I told you he'll be gentle.

Sampson then lick her pussy again. Later, Helena felt something.

Helena: S-Sampson....

Sampson: *Licks her aggresively*

Helena: Sampson!... Ahhh!

Archer: I thinks she's gonna cum, Keep going. *Embraces Helena*

Helena began panting rapidly, then she came in his Mouth. Sampson licks her juices.

Sampson: *Looks at her* You came so much.

Helena: *Pats heavily*

Sampson Crawl towards her, as his Face is closer to Helena, He kiss her with Passion. After Kissing Helena, He kisses Archer.

Archer: I believe, Helena will be you first~.

Archer leave on Helena's back, she lay her on the bed, Head resting on the pillow. She Crawl on the bed, and went behind Sampson, pressing her Big Breasts on his back and Embracinh him. Sampson grab her legs, and spread it, exposing her pussy.

Helena: Sampson..... I'm Scared.....

Sampson: I know you're scared after what happened in Kula Gulf. I will protect you no matter what, Helena. *leans down and kisses her forehead*

Helena: Sampson *sobs* Thank you....

Sampson point his dick, at her bare pussy. He then slowly put it in.

Helena: Agh!..... I-It hurts......

Sampson: Helena.....

Later, Sampson began thrusting with gentle.

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