Chapter 2

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Daddy's Mad

 Kiara's P.O.V.

I watch as my mom faints in front of me and my father's jaw drop. "No! You can NOT be pregnant!" He turns to Kovu with his claws out and eyes glaring. "YOU ARE EXILED!" I see other lions and lionesses slowly look over to watch the scene my Dad was creating. 

"Daddy! No! It wasn't Kovu's idea!" I yell, "It was mine..." whispering the last part. A hush falls over everyone. "I wanted cubs Dad. Kovu wasn't sure whether to say yes or no, but I convinced him to. It was a mistake on my part, but we are keeping the cubs." I state plainly.

My dad glares at me, then Kovu, then back at me. "No. The cubs are being given to another lioness that is pregnant. You are too young for them. I shall not allow it!" He roars.

I get tears in my eyes and I bury my face into Kovu's fur. Kovu steps away and stands before my father.  "Simba, I won't let you take our cubs away from us. What if it was Kiara, or Kopa who was taken away from you?" 

My dad falls silent, knowing Kovu is right. I see him stalk away upset. My mother opens her eyes, which are filling with tears, and looks at me.

"Kiara," My mom says, "I can't believe you did this to us... You aren't supposed to be pregnant yet! It's too soon!" Tears are streaming down her face by now. "And Kovu, you aren't exiled. You did this to my daughter. You have to stay and take care of the cubs."

"Nala, I wasn't going to leave anyways... I love Kiara, and I alreadly love our unborn cubs." Kovu says gently.

I nuzzle Kovu and look into his eyes. "Oh Kovu..."

My mom sighs. "Oh alright... I guess being a grandmother won't be THAT bad," She says, her voice slightly cracking.  "Oh I wonder how many cubs you're going to have! And I wonder if it's a boy or a girl!" Her eyes glitter with happiness at the realization of new life.

I smile, "Mom should I go see Rafiki? Or should I announce that I'm pregnant to the rest of the pride and pregnant lionesses first?"

My mother thinks for a moment and then answers. "I suggest seeing Rafiki first. That way you can determine how many cub's you are having and their gender's."

I nod my head, "Thanks mum, I'll tell you the results when we get back." Turning to Kovu I say, "Come on!"


As Kovu and I arrive at Rafiki's tree I shout, "Hello? Rafiki, I need your assistance!"

A head appears right in front of my face causing me to fall backwards, "Ah! Princess Kiara! I know why you are here." Rafiki says cheerfully.

I blink in confusion. "Y-you do?"

"Of course! The great kings of the past told me that you were pregnant with the next heirs of Pride Rock! Hmm. I wonder who's cubs will get the throne. Yours, or Kopa's. Or will they share? The Kings haven't yet told me that answer." Rafiki explains.

I tilt my head, "Wait... Vitani is pregnant too?"

Rafiki nods, "Yes, of course! How have you not noticed?"

"I um.. I don't know, I guess I never really paid attention. Rafiki, do you know how many cubs I will have?" I question him.

"Isn't it obvious to you?" He says, "You are having twins Kiara. One boy, and one girl."

I purr in satisfaction of knowing more about the little bundles of fur growing inside me. "Thank you Rafiki, I'll come visit halfway through my pregnancy in one month. Thanks again!" And with that I start to run off, racing Kovu home. I quickly run out of breath and fall behind Kovu, causing him to slow down and wait for me. Once I catch up he lets me lean against his shoulder, knowing I'm already exhausted.

"Kiara, do you need a break? We can rest right here if you want. You need your energy to take care of your cubs." He suggests suddenly.

Stubbornly, I reply, "No thanks. We're almost there."

"Kiara, I know you're tired." Kovu states, "Why don't you climb on my back and I'll carry you the rest of the way."

I sigh, "Oh I guess so, but don't drop me! It could hurt the cubs!"

"Now why would I drop you... I love you and I don't want you to get hurt, especially when I could stop you from getting hurt." Kovu says lovingly.

"Awwwh! Really?" I purr as I hold onto his back as we reach Pride Rock, sooner than I expected.

"Yes, really." Kovu looks caringly into my eyes as he sets me down and I can't resist. I crash my lips upon his and feel the spark run through my whole body, giving me chills. At first he was a bit taken aback about what to do, but then he kisses me back and I work my tongue into his mouth, exploring every inch of it. Kovu does the same, causing my cheeks to burn rosy red and my heart to beat a mile per minute. I can feel Kovu's heart throbbing as he pulls me close to his chest and wraps his paws around me. I wrap my own paws around Kovu's neck, and we stay like that, making out until I feel someone yank Kovu away from me and pin him to the ground.

I see it was my father, Simba. I growl as I spring at him, claws extended, aiming for his face. He ducks and I tumble towards the ledge of Pride Rock. I try to grip something before I fall over the ledge, but it's too late. I fall. I close my eyes, knowing this is it, but then I feel something grasp my fore paws, struggling to keep me from falling to the ground below.

Kovu tries pulling me back up to safety but he starts to slip. That's when Kopa sees the situation and comes to our aid. He helps Kovu lift me up to safety and I pant hard, as I keep replaying my life flashing before my eyes.

"Kiara! Are you alright?" Kovu and Kopa ask me.

"I-I think so... T-thanks..." I stutter pathetically.

Kopa sighed, "It was our fathers fault. If he hadn't attacked Kovu like that for some reason, then you would never of had your life risked."

"Well... no... Technically it's mine... I was the one who started to make out with Kovu..." I look away.

"Kiara, no. Simba is just too protective of you." Kopa insists. "He was never that protective of me..." Kopa turns away sadly.

"He wasn't?" I say confused.

"Yeah. He didn't care what I did. I went to the outlands for days at a time, just to see Vitani... We would sneak off and have adventures. Look at the stars together... I loved her then, and I love her still. Always have, always will." Kopa says.

"I wish I had that much freedom..." I sigh, knowing that it will never happen. "You know what... Maybe I should run away and start my own pride with Kovu."

Kopa's eyes grew wide and his jaw drops. "No! Kiara, please stay here. I'll try to convince Dad to give you more freedom." He says.

Kovu steps in. "Kiara, we wouldn't last out there just the two of us. We would need more lions in our pride. You are pregnant, Kiara. You need energy and to be safe. Maybe once the cubs are old enough, we can leave. But until then, we are staying here."

"Wait... Kiara..." Kopa says slowly, "you're... pregnant?"

Sighing, I say, "Yes, I am. I'm having twins. One little boy, and one little girl." As I think about it, I realize something. "Just like mom and dad with us..."

Kopa says, "Vitani is pregnant, but only with one cub. She's having a little girl. I mean, we. We are having a little girl."

"I'm having a boy and a girl" I say grinning.

"Oh... well you should announce to the rest of the pride that you are pregnant." Kopa suggests.

"Oh! I completely forgot! Thanks Kopa, see you around!" I run off telling my mother to gather the pride for me.

Well, I hope you guys let me know how the edited chapter is! I didn't edit this one as much as the first chapter, but still.

Stay crazy xxx

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