Chapter 3

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Telling the Pride

Kiara's P.O.V.

Nala roars and the whole pride gathers below Pride Rock, awaiting an announcement. "Kiara and Kovu have an announcement to make to the Pride." Turning to us she whispers, "Go ahead."

Gulping in air, I speak, "I'm pregnant with twins." I blush as I feel Kovu's tail twine with mine, comforting me.

I hear Karma shout, "The next heirs are on their way!"

Another shout comes from Arianna. "What are their genders?"

"Oh, one is a boy, the other is a girl." I shout in return.

I hear a faint whisper from Karma to Vitani. "Looks like Kiara's cubs will be the next heirs. She has a boy, while you only have a female."

Vitani answers her sharply. "I don't care if my cub isn't the heir. I will still love her just the same."

"Okay, you don't have to be a bitch about it. Sheesh!" Karma answers sarcastically.

Vitani growls and slaps her across the face, claws extended, causing a claw wounds from the tip of her left ear, to the right side of her chin.

Karma has pain written in her face, and tears in her eyes. "Why did you do that you furball of an outlander!"

This really pisses Vitani off, but before she can do anything, I see my mother jump from Pride Rock, landing in between them. I hear something snap as she falls to the ground in agony. My mom made a huge mistake in jumping.

"Nala!" I hear Simba screech. He runs to her with tears in his eyes. He knows that mom is hurt. "NALA! Are you okay?"

Her teeth clenched in pain, she replies, "I don't think so... I think I broke my leg."

He turns to Karma and Vitani in anger. "You two should be ashamed! If you wouldn't have argued about the stupid heir, then my mate wouldn't be hurt!"

Karma apologizes first. "Simba... I'm sorry..."

Vitani, more stubborn, just spat at Simba. "Look, I just want my daughter to live a good life."

"Well there was no need for you to listen to Karma. Nala might not be hurt now if you wouldn't have replied." Simba returns to my mother's side, now flanked by me, Kovu and Kopa.

I hear my mother sob, "I need to be taken to Rafiki!"

"No, mum, we need Rafiki to come here." Kopa objected, "If you're real badly hurt, then if we move youit might make it worse."

"That is very true." Comes a familiar voice.

"Rafiki...?" My mom breathes, close to unconsciousness from the pain.

"She's badly injured, we need to make her a split for her leg and make sure she stays off of it. She's shattered more than just one bone in her leg." Rafiki explains. Then my mother is passed out before us.


Karma's P.O.V.

I could feel the blood still oozing out of the wound across my face as everyone fussed over Nala being unconscious. Yeah, I feel bad because it was somewhat my fault, but it was Nala who decided to be stupid and jump. Not me.

I roll my eyes at them as I walk off, heading towards a shade tree near Pride Rock. I could already see Moki, Arianna, Tavi, Ana, Ja, and Mheetu near the tree. Arianna and Ana  were talking, while the boys, Moki, Ja, and Mheetu all play-fought.

"Hey guys!" I said once I got there. "Nala's hurt." Everyone just stared at me like I was a freak. This usually happened anyways because of my odd coloration and personality, but they just looked dumbfounded by the sight of me.

"Karma..." Moki says looking at my eyes. Wait, no... Maybe it wasn't my eyes he was looking at. "What happened to your face...?"

I blink. "Oh, that? Vitani and I got into an argument. It's no big deal. It's not like it'll scar or anything."

"I'm not so sure you're right on that Karma..." Ana says worryingly. "It looks pretty deep for how much blood is on your face."

"Yeah," Arianna says quietly. "It looks like someone dipped your whole face in red paint..."

Sitting down, I put a paw on my forehead to see how much it was bleeding. I felt warm, sticky liquid as I touched the wound. When I brought my paw back down, my entire paw was stained red.

I open my eyes wide and I see a puddle of water by the tree. I rush over to it and look at my reflection. I don't even look like myself... Blood and tears fall into the puddle, causing it to ripple slightly.

"I-I'm a monster..." I whisper, barely audible.

"Well, I wouldn't say you look THAT bad..." Ja comments.

Ana slaps him upside his head causing him to rub the back of his head with his paw. "OW! What was that for!?"

Ana just glares at him, giving him a warning to keep his mouth shut.

Then I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around to see Rafiki.

"How's Naladoing?" I ask.

"Oh she's doing well, she's just tired and she needs to rest before she can walk again. She should be up on her feet again in two months, but I need to check your wound now." Rafiki says gently.

"So she'll be able to walk again right around when Kiara's cubs are born? And Okay." I groan, knowing Rafiki is going to clean the cut.

"Yes, maybe a few days before." Rafiki answers briefly while using warm water to wash away the blood so he could see the depth and size of my wound. "I'm sorry Karma, but this is going to scar very badly. It's very deep. It looks like Vitani took a chunk out of your ear as well."

Tears form at the corners of my eyes, "What will my children think of me... they'll think I'm a horrible mother with all of these scars... And Moki has scars too... They'll think that we were both out landers by all of the scars... I mean... Technically we were, but they'll think we're mean, evil, and uncaring..." A tear slides down my cheek, ready to fall onto the ground.

"Now Karma... Your children will love you, no matter what you look like. They care about your heart, your personality! Not your looks." Rafiki says knowingly.

"I hope..." Was all I could say.

Changed a few things. Love all of you guys <3

Stay crazy xxx

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