Chapter 7

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The Confession

Kopa's P.O.V.

I ran from them. I was too upset to be around them. It was always peaceful around the top of the waterfall, so that's where I would run.

The raindrops hit my fur, stinging, as I ran though the rain until I finally reach the waterfall. I sit there, next to the rushing water and look out over the trees.

I hear gentle paw steps behind me and I look to see who had followed me. It was my father. He looked pretty damn sad with his mane stuck to his neck from the rain as he walked up to me, his tail dragging along the ground.

"I never knew..." His voice cracks. "I never knew you felt that way Kopa..." He looks at me, his eyes puffy and red. I could see the pain I caused him in his eyes, but I didn't care. He caused me more pain than he would ever know.

I glare at him through the rain. "You never knew?" I laugh sarcastically as I continue, "How could you not! I would leave for days at a time, just to see the one lion that made my life better. The lioness who changed my life forever. The lioness I love. Vitani. She was there for me when no one else was!"

"I thought you would want a baby sister. Your mum and I both did. We thought you wouldn't mind us giving her more attention... We thought you liked the freedom we gave you..." He looks at his paws. "Was I wrong?"

I growl at him before I spit back a reply, "Damn right you were wrong! Why do you think I never talked to you or mum! Why do you think I let my mane grown so long and cover my eyes. Why do you think I hid my wrists from you? Why do you think I left for the outlands every night. You caused me pain!" I scream, my voice cracking at the end.

"Well I'm sorry for all of that... I wasn't a good father to either of you. Maybe it would be better if I died." He stares at me.

"Maybe it would be better! I wouldn't care anyways! It's not like you ever LOVED me!" I don't wait for him to reply. "You only ever cared about Kiara because she's the 'Chosen One'. She is the princess and Kovu is the prince. They'll take over the thrown when you die. Never would me and Vitani take over the thrown. I'm not even a prince to you. Nor have I ever been your son!" I watch as the words I screamed at my father set in. It hurt him. I could tell, but I didn't care.

He stares at me with hurt-filled eyes and a pain-stricken face. He stands there for a few moments. "I do care... I do love you... You are my son..." I barely hear him whisper. "I cared about you so much Kopa... I still do... Please forgive me..."

"Maybe now you care. Maybe now you love me. Maybe now you call me your son. I will forgive you, but only if you prove to me all of those things." I stomp away, then I start to run for Pride Rock.

I hadn't gotten far when I suddenly feel a sharp pain in my neck. I gasp for breath as I realize that my windpipe is being crushed. Then the pain in my throat gets knocked away and I hear a roar.

"Never come at my son like that!" My father roars. Then I see what attacked me. It was a full grown Bengal tiger. My father attacks it head on and the tiger fights back. I watch blood spill before my eyes and I am too stunned to do anything.

Minutes pass before all is quiet. I see the bodies of both the tiger and my father lying on the ground, beaten up, battered and bleeding. The tiger was dead. My father, as I got a closer look, was still alive. He was barely breathing and his eyes were closed.

"Dad!" I scream as I run to him. "Dad, please, wake up!" His eyes flicker open and he gives me a smile.

"I told you I cared. I told you I love you. Do you forgive me now?" He coughs and his whole body shakes with the effort.

"Yes, I forgive you dad. I love you." Tears form in my eyes and slide down my cheeks.

"I l-love y-you too Kopa..." He whispers to me as his breathing slows. "T-tell your mother I l-love her, and K-Kiara as well..." His breathing comes to a stop and his eyes slowly close. I feel his pulse. It's gone. His body is becoming cold.

I whisper into his ear, "I will dad. Rest in peace." I heave his body onto my back and I make my way back to Pride Rock.

As I finally reach Pride Rock, I see the others running towards me, but I am too dazed to really notice or care.

The rain is still falling heavily as I let my father gently slide off my back and onto the cold, hard stone.

I hear my mother sobbing and I turn my head away.

"Kopa! What happened!" She cries between sobs.

"It's all my fault. If I wasn't such a stupid lion!" I hang my head and tail low in shame as my mother gives me a weird look. "Mum... He was killed saving my stupid hide!"

My mother gives me a confused, but cold stare. "Kopa... don't blame yourself for your father's death... he wouldn't want you to blame yourself. He loved you."

"Mum... it is my fault. You'll never understand it." I look into her eyes. "He told me to tell you he loved you."

"I knew he loved me even if he didn't have you say that." She gave a small smile as she gave me a nuzzle and went to say goodbye to his stiff body.

 As I turn to walk away, I see Kiara arriving. She stops dead in her tracks when she sees da lying on the stone behind me. I see her eyes turn dull and tears start to slide down her cheeks.

I run to her to comfort my sister. "Kiara..." I whisper in her ear as I embrace her and she sobs into my shoulder. "He told me to tell you that he loved you."

"But Kovu... I wasn't ready to lose him..." She looks at me with tear-filled eyes.

"I know Kiara, I know..." I return her look, keeping strong for her sake.

"Kopa, you'll always be there for me, won't you?" Kiara suddenly asks as she looks away from me.

Her question takes me a bit off-guard, but I reply the best way I can. "Kiara... No one will always be there. They always have their time to go in the Great Circle of Life. But until it's my time to go, I will be there for you as much as I can. You're my sister, it's my job to protect you."

She shows a bit of shock when she finally looks back at me, but she nods. "Thank you Kovu." She nuzzles my cheek, and she goes back to the cave to take care of her cubs.

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