Embry Call 2

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Being friends with Bella Swan has been eventful. Finding out that vampires are real was a huge shock. I never thought that I would ever learn something like that. I live just on the edge of Forks and LaPush. Once I learned about the vampires I stayed home for a few days and hung out in LaPush. Bella didn't seem to worried but I avoided the Cullens for several days. I didn't really feel comfortable around them again until Rosalie talked to me. They have been gone for a few months now. Bella was getting better for a while but then she started to get real depressed again. I know she was hanging around Jacob Black. I heard Mike talking about it at school. Apparently they went to the movies. From what I can guess Bella and Jacob had a disagreement after the movie. Jacob hasn't talked to her since then from what I have heard.
I heard the sound of Bella's truck coming up the driveway. I walked out to the porch. I saw Bella getting out of her truck.
"Hey Bella. I wasn't expecting to see you until Monday." I said.
"I know, sorry. I was actually hoping that you would do something with me today." She said.
"Sure. Let me grab a jacket." I said
I walked back inside the house and grabbed my sweater that was closest to the door. I put my phone and keys into my pocket before I walked back out to join Bella at her truck. I opened the door and got in with Bella.
"where are we going?' I asked.
"Down to the reservation to see Jacob." She said.
"I thought you guys weren't talking anymore." I said.
"That's why we need to go see him." She said.
"Will you tell me what happened?" I asked.
"He's been avoiding me and I want to know why." She said.
I nodded and just watched out the window as she drove. I could only hope that this wasn't going to turn out to be another Cullen situation. I don't know what I would do if I have to avoid LaPush.
"Do you think it's because of something bad?" I asked.
"I'm not sure." She said. "He did say that he was scared of Sam Uley."
"You think Sam did something to him?" I asked.
"There's only one way to find out." She said.
"Maybe we should just tell your dad." I said.
"Charlie's believes that Jacob is sick because that's what Billy told him." She said.
"How do you know it's not the truth?" I asked.
"I saw him. He was perfectly healthy." She said.
Bella pulled up infront of Jacob's house and hopped out of her truck. I didn't really want to get out. The only thing that really protected me from the cold is my sweater. Plus I was worried about this becoming just like a Cullen situation. I got out of the truck anyway. I was about to go to the door when I heard some yelling. I looked over to the trees where the sound came from and saw a group of four guys walking. What stuck out the most was that they were all shirtless and in cutoff jeans even though it was freezing out. I saw Bella rushing out of the house. She started walking to the group of guys.
"Bella what is it?" I asked.
"They did something to Jacob." She said.
I followed behind her. I didn't know what was going on but I had a feeling that I was about to find out. We reached the guys and she pushed the one. I gasped at her actions and one of the guys looked over at me. We made eye contact and I watched him for a second. He seemed like he was frozen in his place. I looked back to Bella.
"What did you do?" Bella asked. "He didn't want this."
I looked at the other three guys. Two of them looked to be the same age as the one who looked at me. The last one seemed to be older.
"What did we do? What'd he do? What'd he tell you?" The one asked.
I could tell that he was angry by the sound of his voice. His body was starting to shake. I took a step back to try to put more space between us.
"Paul calm down." The older one said.
"He tells me nothing because he's scared of you." Bella said.
Paul and the other guy laughed. Bella made a groaning noise and slapped Paul. I gasped at her again.
"Too late now." The other guy said.
"Bella get back." The older one said.
Frozen guy seemed to snap out of it. He reached out and pulled me to him. He stood infront of me like he was trying to protect me. I looked around him so I could see what was happening. Pauls shaking was starting to get worse by the second. Bella was slowly backing away. My heart started racing as I realized that something was about to happen. I watched as Paul started to change.
I stepped back as I was watching infront of me. The guy who was standing infront of me turned around. I was looking at a giant wolf where Paul used to be, I could hear someone screaming. It took me a second to realize that I was the one screaming. I looked at the guy infront of me. He knew what was going to happen. He must be one too. I took my arm away from his grasp. His face fell a little. He reached out to touch me but I stepped away from him. I couldn't explain how I was feeling. I was scared but I somehow know the one infront of me would never do anything to hurt me.
"Take the girls back to Emily's" The older one said. "Jared help Embry."
"Guess the wolf's out the bag." Jared said.
I looked to the guy infront of me. He must be Embry. Jared walked over and put his hand on Embry's shoulder.
"It's alright Em. She's just in shock. It's normal." Jared said.
Embry didn't say anything. Jared walked away to help Bella. Embry held his hand out to me.
"You won't hurt me right?" I asked.
"I could never." He said.
I took his hand and let him pull me with him. I was close by his side. Being with Embry I felt protected. I didn't understand why but I did. There is just something about him that doesn't make me feel scared. We got to Bella's truck. She is sitting in the passenger seat. Jared was sitting in the bed of the truck. Embry opened the driver door. I slid in so I was in between him and Bella. Embry got in and started driving away from Jacob's house.
We pulled up infront of a small house. Jared hopped out of the bed of the truck. Embry got out of the drivers seat but didn't close the door. Embry and Jared made a howling noise and then they both laughed like it was the best joke.
"Maybe we should go back and see if Jacob's ok." Bella said.
"I hope Paul sinks some teeth into him. Serves him right." Jared said.
"No way. Jacob's a natural." Embry said. "You see him phase on the fly. I got 10 says that Paul doesn't touch him."
Bella started to get out of the truck. I stayed where I was and Embry just stayed by the open door. Jared started walking inside.
"Hey about Emily, Sam fiance, don't stare. It bugs Sam." Embry said.
"Why would I stare?" Bella asked.
Embry didn't say anything. He just stared at me. She walked inside after Jared. I looked over at Embry.
"Do I have to go inside?" I asked.
"We can stay outside if you're more comfortable." He said.
I nodded. I slid over so I could get out of the truck. Embry didn't reach for my hand but he closed the door for me. He led me over to the porch and we sat down next to each other.
"What did you mean about Emily?" I asked.
"You saw Paul earlier. The change happens when we get angry. Sam was dating someone else when he first shifted. After the shift he left her and got with Emily. One night they were arguing. He lost control for a split second and Emily was standing to close. Now he lives with what he did everyday by seeing the scars on her face." He said.
"Why did he just dump the other girl like that?" I asked.
"It's a little more complicated than that." He said. "Sam imprinted on Emily."
"What is imprinting?" I asked.
"I'll explain that later. I promise." He said.
I nodded and looked over at the tree's.
"Is it why you said you could never hurt me?" I asked.
He stayed quiet. I looked over at him. He was already staring at me. He gave a small nod. I looked back to the tree's and. Paul, Jacob, and Sam were walking towards us. Jacob was pushing Paul but Paul wasn't doing anything back to him.
"Guess Jared owes me 10 bucks." Embry said.
I bit my lip to keep from laughing but decided to let out a small giggle. I saw Embry's face light up at the sound. The three guys walked up to us. Sam went inside right away. Jacob gave me a glance but walked inside. Paul was the only one to stop at Embry and I. I looked at him and he was glancing between Embry and I. He looked a little upset.
"Are you ok?" Paul asked. "Sam told me how you were shocked."
"I'm good now." I said.
"I'm still sorry. You should have found out from Embry." He said.
"We can start over." I said.
I stood up and held my hand out to him.
"I'm Evie. I'm friends with Bella." I said.
I gave Paul a smile and he laughed. He put his hand in mine and gave a quick shake. I noticed how warm his hand was but didn't want to say anything about it.
"I'm Paul. I'm a werewolf." He said.
I laughed. He gave me a big smile and then looked at Embry.
"You got a good one Embry. I like her." Paul said.
"Just don't like her to much." Embry said.
Paul shook his head and then walked inside. I looked over at Embry and smiled. He smiled back at me.
Embry and I sat on the porch the whole time. After the conversation with Paul we stayed quiet. I felt bad for not going inside and meeting Emily but today has been a lot. I already felt a little overwhelmed and I didn't want to make it worse.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Embry asked.
"Yeah. I guess everything is just a little overwhelming." I said. "Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised that werewolves are real since I know vampires are."
"I guess that's true." He said. "There is something else I need to tell you but it can wait."
"What is it?" I asked.
"When I told you that Sam imprinted it's not just him. All of us can Imprint on someone. Jared imprinted on Kim." He said. "I imprinted on you this morning."
"What exactly is imprinting?" I asked.
"It's basically like finding your soulmate." He said. "It's so much more though at the same time. It's an incredible feeling when you see her."
"Like what?" I asked.
"The guys said it was like gravity shifted." He said. "I think it more like the excitement you feel when you see the first snowfall and know you are going to have a snowday. When you are sick and stuck in the house and finally get to go outside and see the sun and smell the ocean water in the air."
He looked over at me and just stared at me for a few minutes.
"Like knowing you found the one thing that is going to mean the most to you for the rest of your life and being one hundred percent ok with it as long as it's that one person." He said.
I gave him a smile. I guess this is the reason why I feel so safe with Embry. This whole thing kind of reminds me of what Rosalie said when she met Emmett. The love that she instantly felt for him. She said she couldn't compare it to anything in the world. After she told me about it I wanted to find my own kind of Emmett. I never thought that I would find it in a guy who turns into a werewolf but I wouldn't have it any other way. Looking at Embry I know that there isn't ever going to be someone who I want to be with more than I do right now being with him. It's like everything in life has clicked into place. All of the situations I have been in ever since Bella came to town has led me to this moment where I got to meet Embry.

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