Chapter 1: Trusted Risk

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Even though it was currently 4 pm, which is usually rush hour for a cafe right beside a highly trafficked college, it was oddly quiet. The only thing that felt normal today were the few regulars, the smell of pastries, and the bright sun that reflected from outside. Ju Haknyeon had just finished serving another regular that came in, now just leaning against the counter waiting.

His previous headache from a while ago was coming back, so he decided to think about something else to distract himself from the ache. Oddly, his mind drifted to the creepy and weird flyer that he found on an info board outside his class. He was walking out of class, heading to the info board with the only thought of finding a mathematics tutor but ended up being more drawn to the brightly-colored flyer.

Looking back, it probably wasn't a smart idea to take a flyer with the writing:

"Join this Groupchat!

Website: www.************.com

Be Warned:

Shared Secrets/Laughs/Memories/Information

Join at your risk! :)"

No matter how stupid it sounded to join a suspicious group chat with little information, Haknyeon was, honestly, very willing. It didn't matter that one is toying with life or death in these kinds of situations, just that it was something to help make his boring-ass life a little more entertaining. Who knows, maybe something fun will happen. In the end, what he does know is that it's much better than worrying about his pathetic math grades.

Instead, he started questioning if this was, at all, ethical for whoever is involved. Ju knows he can't tell this to his roommate, or else he wouldn't ever hear the end of it...

That morning...

Kevin dusted off his hands with a sigh. He was finally done hanging up the flyers that had taken him forever to make. He had to come to school very early to put up all the papers around his college campus notice boards without being noticed. But because Kevin loves a thrill, he had the audacity to put up flyers that are the sketchiest thing he's ever seen- which was all on purpose.

But if he was being completely honest though, he was nervous about all this. Like anything, this could end up being a failure or even dangerous with what he had in mind. If no one responded to it by this time tomorrow, he decided he would just go take down the flyers. Like, come on, who would even join a sketchy website group chat? This is more on Kevin for assuming people are nosy and stupid enough to casually join random shit. Kevin just sighed again and headed to get breakfast.

After what felt like six hours, there still hadn't been a single notification from the group chat. Kevin's anxiousness was just telling him to skip the pain-staking wait and just take them down now while the other, much dumber, part of him was saying to wait. It's the ass idea he came up with because not sleeping for three days straight is a hell where one couldn't think rationally. So, he decided to kill time by making the chat official with an introductory text and a couple of set rules. Basic rules like not inviting people, only a certain number of people can join, people can send pictures, people can private message within the group chat members, and most specifically, no leaving. He was even given the choice to set a limit to group chat members, which he set to 12. Enough for lots of drama and friendships, but not too much confusion.

So he started with the beautiful line-

TwerkMaster's Chatroom

F them kids :)))

That night...

Haknyeon locked the front door to his apartment. He tried to be as quiet as possible so as to not wake up his roommate since one of Hak's jobs requires him to get home past midnight, which really is a pain in the ass for him. He kicked off his shoes at the door and bee-lined for his room in the big shared apartment.

Once in his room, he successfully managed to throw both his backpack and duffle bag off his tired shoulder. He sat down at his makeshift desk in the corner of his room and reached to grab his laptop from his backpack, only to be distracted by that dark-colored flyer that was stuffed next to it. The decision to postpone his homework for a second was immediate because fuck homework in general- like what's even the point of it? He declared, (more like tried to convince himself,) that he was gonna get right back to the work after a little break. 

To put it simply, it truly piqued his interest. Like, who is dumb enough to post a flyer for a group chat where knowing anyone creepy, dangerous, or suspicious could join? But if he's being honest, that's kinda why he wants to join. His life is currently stuck in the same annoying struggle-some routine, so this might temporarily offset the ongoing existential boredom he faces. Besides, there was no big enough downside that truly had to make him not join, because he could just leave the group chat or just not say personal information. Right?

So he made his choice right there.

TwerkMaster's Chatroom

piggingOut logged on

(Haknyeon never did get back to that homework...)

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