Chapter 14: The Three Of Us (pt.1)

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1 year before...

Changmin giggled fondly as he watched Haknyeon stuff his face with the breakfast they'd bought. They had arrived there mere seconds ago, and thankfully the cafe wasn't open- for now.

Being Haknyeon's best friend has many perks, one being that he got to eat the cafe food earlier than any other customer. Another is that he gets the "Friend Discount" as a result of being friendly to coworkersto him being liked by Hak's coworkers.

Plus, they were smart enough to just eat from the cafe's breakfast menu. Changmin's favorite breakfast item was the sausage, egg, and cheese muffin and a nice iced coffee.

Haknyeon got what Changmin buys, except he also gets a biscuit, small salad, and even a blueberry muffin. And, as always, his friend pigs out on whatever food he has in front of him. And even if his friend is always abnormally hungry, Changmin was fine with it. He got used to being with the younger and watching him pig out and enjoy himself while he eats whatever is put infront of him. Even found it sort of comforting.

It's what became his norm. Part of his comfortable stasis.

But, what made today different (probably the thing he was dreading most), was that it was the first day in his second year of college. This meant getting out of his comfortable "summer" routine. Which, he wasn't looking forward to at all.

Unlike him though, today was Haknyeon's first day in college altogether. Admittedly, though, Haknyeon seems to be doing just fine about it all. Better than Changmin's first day anyways. So, you have to give him credit for the nerves if steel. But, obviously Hakkie had his worries and such, so his older brother figure promised to help him through his first day.

Changmin had convinced himself that he'd be there for his friend during his first day- get up early, buy him breakfast, take him to his class, and just be there for his bro through a scary time in his life.

But, like always, life has different plans altogether.

The most heartbreaking thing he learned the day he got his schedule was that Haknyeon's first class is at 12 in the day... while Changmin's is at 7:30am. So basically, all the speeches and talks he had about being together and easing him through it was put to shit instantly. You can probably imagine the sadness and fear Changmin felt as someone who can't be there for, pretty much, his younger brother.

Changmin was slapped out of his sad trance, litterally, as haknyeon threw his empty salad container at his face. Minnie suspected Haknyeon saw right through him and knew what he was thinking of. But yes. The slap hurt like hell.

"You excited bro? Your second year of college- exciting!"

"Eat with your mouth closed dude. And trust me Haknyeon, I would be excited, but the existential sadness that i'm getting older is more apparent.

"Oh jeez. You're being dramatic you old man." Haknyeon just huffed, letting a comfortable scilence sit around them. Changmin glanced at the clock only to realize it was 6:49 and the school was a ten minute walk away, so he needed to start moving if he didn't want to be late.

"Shit, I gotta go. Bye Hakkie." He grabbed his unfinished coffee from the table, shouldered his backpack, and headed out towards the campus.

The campus has always been overwhelmingly huge to him. Definitely looks bigger than the online pictures he remembers looking at during highschool. After taking forever to find his new music history classroom (which was thankfully just on the third floor in a nearby building), he started looking around for a seat. The seats in the front were all taken and Changmin didn't want to sit in the loud middle area of the class, so he just sat down and pulled out his laptop at the back of the class.

Right as he sat down, he immediately felt the stares on his left. Changmin turned towards the stares only to see he was sitting right next to someone at the table for three. More specifically, someone who looked amazingly beautiful and thin with cherry lips and a gaze that sparks your heart. It all conplimented her blue dyed hair. Pink heat had lightly dusted Minnie's cheeks as he stared back.

The boy just hinted at a small smile as he turned back to whatever he was doing on his phone in front of him.

"And you are...?"

The question stayed in the air for a second, with Changmin not realizing he was being talked to. He kinda started panicking- a cute random boy talking to him. What the hell does he do? He was going crazy inside, but obviously couldn't show it infront of him. "I'm Ji Changmin. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Mr. Ji." There was a hint of playfulness in the smile.

"I'm Choi Chanhee. Nice to meet you." They both smiled at each other for a second, then just turned.

Changmin just combed his hands through his red bangs and sighed. And after just a few mintues of being in this boring class, he was slowly losing his mind. He took the class for his freshman year and already got the hang of it- but it's still boring no matter how used to it you are.

Music History class. An annoying and boring class that's required for anyone who wants to major in something related to music at this school. His teacher for his next three required semesters in that class was the famous Ms. Kim Chaewon who was in a former female idol group called Iz*One. She's pretty popular around school as a nice and laid back teacher. And this was already being tested as a student had walked in while she was mid lesson (already in lesson.... ugh college sucks).

"Are you lost, sir?", Ms. Kim playfully asked as she paused her lessons with a hand on her hip. The boy just chuckled with a cherry voice and apologeticly bowed, heading to the nearest seat in class- right next to Changmin in the back. "No, I'm just late ma'am. Sorry..."

Ms. Kim just smiled, "Well Mr. Late, good to see you in class. See if a partner can give you the pervious notes." Then got right back to her lesson.

Changmin hadn't gotten a good look at the boy's face since he walked in, but once he looked over at said boy, he couldn't look away.

The boy had a handsome undercut with his parted black hair brushed over and had a handsomely cute face. He was many centimeters over Changmin, and he was mostly toned, lanky limbs. He had soft features, but were complimented with eyes that peirce you, eyes that cpuld easily make you think he's looking down on you. Changmin was awestruck when his living wet dream faced him back.

They just looked at each other for many long seconds, with both eventually blushing furiously. "D-do you want the notes? I don't mind sharing.", Changmin shyly insisted while motioning towards said notes he took.

"Yes I would. Thank you so much.", once he was handed the notes, he made a cute smile that had Changmin's heart beating crazy fast, "I'm Kim Younghoon. And you?"

"I'm Ji Changmin. Hey um, since your in music history too, I'm assuming your taking a music related class?", Changmin whispered, trying not to get caught talking. But, there was a cute guy on both sides of him- he doesn't mind risking a scolding for a chance to make conversation.

"Yeah, actually. I'm in vocal performance and modeling classes.", he giggled lightly- almost shy about it. You could tell he couldn't even believe he was actually enrolled in the classes himself. "And you?"

"I came for dance classes. But I sadly still have to take Music History class... even through my second year." Changmin glanced at the board and started copying the new notes.

"What about me? The other tablemate?" Mr. Choi asked with a hint of sadness mixed with the annoyed. Younghoon giggled cutely as he smiled at him in response.

"Want attention that badly?" Changmin tried not to giggle. He wanted to be serious- even when asking playfully.

"Absolutely not," emberassment dusted Chanhee's face. It honestly complimented him, if Changmin was being honest. "I'm Choi Chanhee. I hope you remember me Younghoon."

"I'll try not to." Younghoon teasingly smiled back. Even with the two whisper-bickering on both sides of him, Changmin felt somewhat safe between them. A feeling of happiness came with these two... but he couldn't quite put his finger on why.

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