Chapter 4: Stop Staring

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Haknyeon smiled at his phone. He oddly finds the group chat very entertaining. After the introductions two days ago, no one has said anything, rather it was super quiet. He's honestly kinda excited for the next discussion considering the first conversation was so fun, but who knows the next time someone will gain the courage to even start one. No one still knows each other and it kinda ended on a weird note of everyone seeming uncomfortable- but that's okay. There's no need to rush something like that, especially when information is limited and there isn't much to be said.

Today was a Saturday, meaning the busy day when he goes to both of his jobs. Since it was only 8 am in the morning, he had to work his first job at the cafe near his school till 4:30pm. It was a popular cafe, but only because it was a sweets and coffee house right beside a rich kid college. A college that, even if it's shit expensive to get into, Haknyeon was able to succeed in joining. Thanks to his best friend who he always came to rely on for many deep and concerning things.

"Hey Haknyeon," Changmin walked through the cafe doors with a big adoring smile on his face. Speaking of his best friend, Changmin is a morning regular at the cafe because he was cursed with super early college classes on Saturdays. So of course, Haknyeon knew he would come, having already prepared his brown sugar and coffee boba with extra mocha syrup. "No friend discount? With that pricing, I'll have to stop dining here." Changmin joked as Haknyeon stared him dead in the eyes with his palm open, clearly waiting for money that he knew Changming could and would pay even if he complained. "Do I look like I love you enough for that?" Haknyeon giggled back after receiving the ten dollars.

"It's just so expensive here..." Changmin chuckled under his breath with a slight sort of seriousness hidden in his statement. But it wasn't taken seriously since they both know it's not his true feelings, but Haknyeon could still tease him about it.

"Maybe because all you damn rich people are just so rich, you make it easy for inflation in the area..." Haknyeon just rolled his eyes as he took another customer's order. He got so used to making the menu items, he can do it without even thinking as he talks to people.

Changmin just giggled at hearing his friend's true feelings. He's been helping Haknyeon since he was kicked out years ago, but could only offer a place to stay and other small things. Haknyeon tends to be stubborn and tries to be as independent as possible, which Changmin thinks is sometimes admirable. While other times, it becomes annoying or hard to watch. Regardless, he would have to leave in a little bit for class so he was going to say farewell to Hakyeon. He was about to say something but stopped when he saw him frozen in place, a face of discomfort and fear as if he just saw a ghost.

"Why is he here?" Haknyeon trembled as he nervously stared toward the corner of the store where his past came to haunt him. There, in the corner sitting at a couple's booth, was Haknyeon's old crush- Kim Sunwoo. Well, the words old crush puts a bad taste in the boy's mouth because that's the term used before Sunwoo humiliated him in front of a bunch of people because the term after becomes enemy. He didn't think he'd see him again, but he should have known Kim's rich ass would be at a school like his.

Sunwoo was talking to a very pretty girl while both were drinking something he assumes a coworker made for them while Hak was chatting with Changminnie. When did he get inside? How come Hak didn't notice? The only thing that stopped him from his disbelief was when Changmin stated he had to leave soon, so they had to start parting ways. After waving goodbye, he remembered he was still working and still has a line of waiting and hungry customers that need to be taken care of. But of course, he wasn't the least bit focused and was actually making mistakes, something he never does, and kept glancing at them every chance he got in between his incomplete and incorrect orders. Why are they still here? He shouldn't be constantly staring at them, but... one's mind tends to linger on things they find different or confusing or not normal or even pretty.

Honestly, he wouldn't be surprised if Sunwoo doesn't even remember him, much less his existence. They never talked except at the party and even then, it was just Sunwoo making fun of him. But whatever, he promised himself he'd forget all that and doesn't plan o dwelling any deeper. He'll probably never see him again after this, so that's good.


Except Sunwoo showed up again the next day, but this time with someone else. What the hell is going on? He was being chummy with this guy just like the girl from last time, and it all just seemed ridiculous. What was he thinking, doing all this? And because Haknyeon is stupid enough, instead of working or trying to figure out a way to ignore it, he continuously stares again. Like last time, he's unfocused and is being extremely nosy.

After about ten minutes into the staring, Sunwoo abruptly stood up, said something to his "date" with a bow, and angrily stalked forward in Haknyeon's direction at the counter. "What the hell is your problem?" Sunwoo huffed quietly with his arms crossed, trying not to grab people's attention even though he was seething. Upon a closer look, Sunwoo looked just as good as Haknyeon remembered, and that's the worst part. Trying to forget someone who was blessed with good looks is a lot easier said than done.

"What are you talking about, sir?" Hak finally snapped out of his trance, wanting to come off aloof but knew it didn't work when suddenly, Sunwoo's voice got a little louder and slightly more annoyed. It was obvious that he was not in the mood to sugarcoat his words, "I mean your annoying stares that are bothering me and my partner."

Haknyeon didn't know what to do. He was caught in the act and there was no way to defend against that, so his instinct was to fight back. "Would you go and sit down sir? Can't you see I'm working here? Go bother your partner so I can work on the new customer."

"Who do you think you are, runt? Get your head out of your ass and continue your low-paying job." Sunwoo walked off, and he missed Haknyeon's steaming red face. He had never been angrier at someone so quickly, but Sunwoo managed to do it. All he could do was curse at him under his breath, because no one wants to have 'Fired for throwing a coffee maker at a customer' being on their resume. Haknyeon just counts the seconds until he can leave his shift for today and pretend Sunwoo doesn't exist.


Sunwoo walked inside the cafe again, and no matter how much he didn't want to admit it, this specific shop is becoming his favorite. They have good coffee and amazing pastries, with a nice, cozy interior and super comfy seats. Or at least, that's what he uses as his reason to keep going. But today he had to bring yet another person, and it was starting to piss him off. His parents are so annoying about this whole 'trying to secure the business' thing. So, he tries to avert his attention to the sweet, iced coffee in his hands and the tiny slice of lemon pound cake rather than the long-haired girl in front of him. He isn't good at holding conversations with people he doesn't care for anyways, but he also just wasn't interested in her from the beginning. Don't get me wrong, she's pretty and seems kind, but she just isn't clicking with Sunwoo's heart. (Sunwoo dispises admitting that he's a romantic.)

Suddenly, Sunwoo felt it. The creepy and pestering feeling of eyes watching him coming from the cafe's counter. At first, he ignores it because he personally doesn't want to start anything, but it was bothering his partner enough for her to comment on now he had to do something about it.

After what felt like ten minutes, Sunwoo had about enough. Sunwoo got up and walked towards the worker with anger bubbling in his chest. As he was busy telling him off, Sunwoo was kinda confused and he didn't know why. "Who do you think you are, runt? Get your head out of your ass and continue your low-paying job."

He then turned around and headed for his seat, ending the conversation. And even if it's weird to say, he kinda wanted to just stare at the guy a little more. Not that he found him cute or anything (okay, maybe that's a lie), and the more he thinks about the guy's face, the more he seems to feel a sort of deja vu...

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