Chapter 25: First Day pt 1

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Eric was woken up by his phone's alarm. The beeping was annoying as it resonated through his empty room, and, by the sound of it, just throughout the entire suite. Sadly, his window (with no curtain) was right behind the place where his head rested on the bed. Therefore, his newly dyed purple bedhead was disheveled and messy as it shined against the sun's rays.

He thought he could tune it out a little, but couldn't. It continued to ring annoyingly. So, with just a slide of his finger across the screen, the noise stopped immediately. It made him relax for a second. Just a second.

Because the silence that followed right after was terrifying. It was long and it made the kid feel lonely. But he could never say anything or complain about it without feeling like crap. He knew his mom was at work doing, as she herself claims, "killing her youth slowly doing what she likes" and be able to continue to pay bills so they can live comfortably.

The job may pay well, but... there's always sadly more to it.

Youngjae just huffed as he struggled to get out of bed, undoing the sky blue covers and getting up to make his breakfast. As he passed by the kitchen's fridge, he got a glimpse of the note that was left on it's electronic screen. The typed out message read

"Have a great first day at school... again! Make sure to make friends and PLEASE no sex. Not yet!

Eric just chuckled to himself. His mother is oddly protective of him still- not that he minds though! It was his college freshman year, so he was anxious. And he's got a feeling this year will be something special!

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Younghoon walked to school slowly, trying not to rush himself. He was taking in the sight of the city's clear sky and busy streets. He likes the journey through the bustling city life that heads towards the college, taking in the clean breaths of air that come naturally... with breathing...

Kim Younghoon, unlike others, likes school. It's the place where he can see his friends and learn new things about the world. Others could easily say they'd rather skip or just not go, but it's just not like him. Actually, Younghoon had a naturally happy approach on school that he just didn't share with others. It often caused him to look a little weird.

People would comment on it, making Younghoon mentally curl into a ball.

Don't get him wrong though- his classes suck ass sometimes. Last year, his freshman year, was a year of confusion and learning of one's self. He got to understand what college classes are all about while also making two good friends. Chanhee and Changmin made the horrible day to day classes entertaining.

For his second year, he'd chosen modeling classes along with his singing and acting classes. He didn't know what to expect for the lessons he'd learn there, but he was hoping it wasn't something too bad. Hoping it was nothing to make him feel like being a model isn't something that suited him.

Because, god, the last thing he'd ever want is to feel like he doesn't fit in with others. With their judgemental eyes and social media stories about others. He'd never want to feel like everybody thinks badly about him or even hate him. That people believe he's different. Because if people ever thought that he wasn't the same as them, as they pointed and laughed at him, he'd cry and shun himself in his room and never get outside.

"Hey watch out."

"Oh! Sorry."

Younghoon bowed to the person he bumped on the sidewalk. He may be rich, so people automatically assume he's a horrible asshole, but he's actually just like any other person!

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