Chapter 29: Fleetwood Mac

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Haknyeon's boss (and owner of the cafe), made the executive decision to have a huge sale for a week where everything they sold had its price cut in half- making it a cheap paradise for broke college students. It was definitely a risk in terms of profit, but it was all worth it in the end. Once word got out that there was good cheap coffee targeted for college students, more than half of the campus flocked there within the week of sales. And, although it was good business, the staff there had been working to the bone, constantly doing overtime and extra shifts. (While it was chaotic, it's good bonus money for a person's wallet)

Thank god it's Friday, meaning it's Haknyeon's last day of money-making hell-week before he gets two overdue days of break and everything goes back to normal. Normal as in normal prices, regular customers, and a normal work schedule. In hindsight, another good thing that came from this was that there might be new regulars. But that's none of his concern right now.

Now, although Haknyeon's a cashier, it's still hard to get through so many customers' orders swiftly and correctly. It was honestly getting hard to do as the pain from a sudden headache was causing everything to get more annoying by the second. All Haknyeon wants to do is get through this one afternoon, get his money, and plop down on his bed. Not even shower right away or undress- just lay down. The warmth of his bed and the plush feel of the covers were starting to sound like paradise.

Remember- this is all for Changmin!

"Hey Hak, can you take those two new groups of customers? I'm juggling tables two, three, and five and Lily is taking the other half of the cafe-"

"But Changbin, I'm like the only cashier right now."

"What about Jiung? Shouldn't he be helping you?"

"Jiung is helping Intak and Theo in the kitchen instead cuz' they're short a person too."

"Pretty please? I seriously need your help."

Haknyeon was still not convinced. What would he gain from being even more stressed than he already was?

"I'll give you the money they tip! I just need someone to seat them."

"Ugh- I'll be right with you guys!"

Haknyeon, obviously annoyed, showed the groups of people their seats even if there were new customers walking in to order. And since Jiung was helping in the back, Hak really was the only cashier at the moment. Once the people were seated, Hak rushed over to the register and hurriedly apologized for being absent after an earful from some loud football players. There was even a second where he had to help with a certain order in the back instead of working the register. Why didn't their boss just get more staff?!

Ju's head started aching ten times harder- making the constant barrage of people and orders rather frustrating to deal with. What's worse was a loud customer started stalking their way over to him, clearly mad about something. He was fuming and was muttering under his breath inaudible phrases.

In his peripheral, he noticed the door of the cafe opening. Two people were headed towards the cashier- both couldn't be made out at all.

"Excuse me sir! I wanna know where my order is! I ordered seven minutes ago and it should be out by now. How long does it take a person to make a Salted Caramel Latte with extra sea salt, extra caramel syrup, an extra shot of espresso, and extra whip?"

(Haknyeon wanted to punch the guy in the face. Obviously his ridiculously complex and specific order would take an extra second. But company- policy the customer is [sadly] always right.)

"Yes yes, I'll be with you in a second just let me take this new person's order-"

Just his fucking luck. Kim Sunwoo. The bastard who can't keep his mouth shut and a horrible personality. Even worse, he's with another person Hak hasn't seen before. If that son-of-a-bitch player is cheating on all these people and they don't know that, they're clearly brainless imbeciles-

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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