Chapter 15: The Three Of Us (pt.2)

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After about an hour of lesson, Ms. Kim put down her chalk and smiled facing the class. "Class is over everyone. But because I'm a teacher, I still have work to give. Your two table partners are your group mates for the project I'm assigning. Look at my information table in the back for instructions."

After the classroom sighs, some students leave the classroom while most headed towards the back for project information. Changmin smiled brightly because, as life does, his partners are Kim Younghoon and Choi Chanhee. The three of them headed towards the back of the classroom, grabbed the information for the project, and turned to leave for the rest of their schedule.

Oh, wait... they still needed a project strategy.

"Wanna start project roles and such today? Like... I don't know, lunch?" Younghoon suggested while habitually scratching the back of his head in anxiousness.

"When was lunch again? It's been too long." Chanhee internally cried at the reminder of no more summer.

"It's between 10 and 1"

"My next class ends at 11 thankfully."

"Yeah, but mine ends at 11:45..."

"Then we'll meet at 12"

Chanhee and Changmin looked at each other, albeit not with the same feeling behind their eyes, but in the end agreed to it with a nod and mumble. Younghoon made a decent suggestion, so they'll stick to that for now. 12 pm it is.

"Great! In three hours then, see you guys at the canteen."


Priority💗 (2)

i can't walk u to ur first class, sorry

Jeju Orange🍊
And why can't u???

because I have a project

Jeju Orange🍊
On the first day? U want me to believe that??

dude srsly

this is college. get used to assignments all the damn time

Jeju Orange🍊
Ur just gonna let me suffer on the first day???

i'll make it up to u later as an apology

Jeju Orange🍊
Sorry but I don't fall that easily to ur whims

Jeju Orange🍊
I'm brave, strong willed,

Jeju Orange🍊
And you can't stop me!

i'll buy u food

Jeju Orange🍊
Yay okay then

strong willed my ass

ur pathetic hakie

Jeju Orange🍊
Don't judge me u bro-

Jeju Orange🍊
I'm sensitive


have a great first day haknyeon

u bitch! don't be petty and leave me on read!

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