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"Levi, hurry up sweetie!" I heard my too perky in the morning mother call to me from the bottom of the stairs. I rubbed my eyes and sighed. To say I was not a morning person would be putting it lightly.

I force myself out of my warm bed and sluggishly make my way across the hall to the bathroom so I could start getting ready. I pull my tank top over my head and slip out of my shorts tossing them to the side as I climb into the steaming shower. The hot water instantly waking me up. I finish washing myself and get out, grabbing a towel and wrapping it around my body.

I put on the clothes I had laid out the night before, a t-shirt and my senior sweatpants. The rest of my clothes and belongings were packed in my suitcases ready for the move. After dressing myself I dry my hair and lazily put it up in a messy bun, not bothering to put on any makeup.

I grab my notepad and head downstairs just in time as my mom was putting the waffles on the table. The sweet aroma of butter and savory bacon filling my nose. I love the different scents in the morning. They always say when one of your main five senses is gone, all your other ones become heightened.

"Good morning, Sleepyhead. Excited?" My mom grins as she puts a plate in font of me. I shake my head yes and smile in return, popping a piece of bacon in my mouth. "Got everything ready?" She asks sitting down across from me. I flip open my notebook and write.

•Yes, what time are we leaving?

I pass it to her to read. "We need to leave by noon." She responds. I give her a thumbs up and continue eating. "I'm gonna miss you, ya know." My mom says a few minutes later. She puts down the newspaper and looks at me.

•I'm gonna miss you more. Don't be upset. This is gonna be good for me. I want this.

She gives me a sad glance as she reads what I wrote. "Just promise me, you won't let what people say get to you?" She had a worried expression on her face. She knew people would talk. They always do. But I'm used to it by now, it doesn't really bother me much anymore.

•I promise.

"Good, and no more tattoos or I will come to Australia and kill both you and your brother." She jokingly scolds me making us both laugh. "Okay, now finish up, then go double check and make sure you have everything." She gets up from her chair and kisses me on the forehead. I follow putting my remaining dishes in the sink, then head up stairs to my now old room to get the last of my things.

I'm really going to miss my mom. She's my rock, and I love her more than anything, but I just feel like moving to a new place is the right decision. I'm sick of being the "weird girl." In town. I want to be normal. Even though I won't completely be normal, at least they won't know everything about me like the people in this shit hole. All they'll know is what I choose to tell them.

"We're leaving right now...yes she has everything...I wish I was coming too but you know I have the diner here...yeah...okay...I love you too... Bye." I heard my mother chatting on the phone to my brother as I walk down the stairs with my carry on bag.

"Alright. Let's go!" She motions for me to come on as she walks out the door. The drive to the airport was silent. Just my thoughts and the sound of All Time Low blaring through the speakers.

"Well...I guess this is it." My mom gives me a sad smile as my turn to go through security reaches. "I love you, Levi, don't ever forget that." She chokes out wiping a tear from her face. "I love you more." I mouth wrapping my arms around her and eloping her in a massive hug. "Okay. Go before you miss your flight." She pulls away and kisses my forehead.

I hand my ticket to the guard and go through the metal detecter. "Oh and don't forget to have your brother call me as soon as you get there." I hear her yell one last time. I turn around and wave, wiping my own spilled tears and quickly blow her a kiss.

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