Chapter 9.

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"You look incredible today." Michael whispers in my ear sneaking his arm around my waist as I walk through the doors going into school. I jump a little bit, startled by the random touch. I turning around and glare at him.

Don't scare me like that!

He laughs. I reluctantly smile back, I mean how could you stay mad at that amazing face? I give him a peck on the lips, earning a "ooooh." From the boys, whom I didn't even notice were behind us.

"So, I take it she wasn't too mad at you, huh Mikey?" Calum winks making Michael's face turn a rosy red. "Will you all shut up?" He hisses at them clearly embarrassed. "Awh don't be such a baby, we're happy for you." Ashton says patting him on the back. "Yeah yeah." He rolls his eyes at the boys. "Anyways, did you tell Levi the great news yet?" Luke chimes in changing the subject. I turn and give Michael a confused look.

What news?

"Oh I almost forget, we did so well with sells at our last show they're booking us again!" He exclaims excitedly.

Thats wonderful! I'm so happy for you guys!

I give them a hug as each one of them read what I wrote. "So practice at 7?" Ashton asks looking at the boys for confirmation. "Actually, my grandparents are visiting, so I can't practice all week till Friday." Michael frowns. "Ugh seriously. Fine. Friday we'll have a long rehearsal because the show is on Saturday." Calum says letting everyone know. They all shake their heads, agreeing.

"Wanna come meet my family after school today?" Michael asks after the boys leave for class. He had big puppy dog eyes and this adorable hopeful look on his face that literally made my heart melt.

Of course.

Even though I was nervous, I knew it meant a lot to Michael so I couldn't say no. He grins, pulling me closer to him. "Ew..." I heard Veronica mumble rudely as she walked passed us. Her voice making my skin crawl like nails on a chalk board. "Hey, ignore her. She means nothing." Michael says immediately noticing my change in mood. He kisses the top of my head sweetly. "You're all I want."


"Okay, are you sure you want to do this?" Michael turns and asks me as we sit parked in the driveway of his house. I think he could sense how nervous I was.

Yes. I just hope they like me.

I give him a small smile. "They'll love you." He says getting out of the car, quickly coming over to my side to open the door for me. It still surprises me that he does things like that.

When you look at Michael you see this punk rock, blue haired, misunderstood boy, but in reality he's so sweet and such a gentlemen. I'll even admit I never would've thought that's who he was when I first met him but I've learned looks can definitely be deceiving.

He intertwines our finger and we walk up to his house hand in hand. I've only met his mom once but never his dad or grandparents.

"Michael baby! You've grown so much." A short older lady with silver hair cries pulling him into a sweet hug. "I've missed you, Grammy." He says hugging her back. "My boy, still dying your hair I see. Next time I come you're gonna be as bald as me!" The old man next to her jokes when she releases him. "Yeah, whatever you say, Gramps." He laughs. I just stand their awkwardly smiling. "Who's the pretty young lady?" His Grandma asks noticing me in the doorway. "This is my girlfriend, Levi." Michael clears his throat. "Levi, these are my grandparents." My heart momentarily stops when he calls me his girlfriend. The butterflies going crazy in my stomach. I smile at them nicely before Michael spoke. "Levi is mute. Meaning she can't speak, but she can hear though." He tries his best to explain. "Oh...well it's so great to meet you. You seem like a lovely girl." His grandma looks back and forth between the two of us.

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