Chapter 14

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"You home bro? I need to talk." I ask Calum as I speak into the phone; my voice hinting at how nervous I was. "When did I become everyone's fucking therapist?" He responds jokingly. I was gonna ask but he quickly stopped me. "Nevermind, just come over." I laugh and tell him I'll be there in 10 minutes then hang up. I feel awful about lying to Levi about having to work. I just hated keeping in my feelings, I always felt like I was going to combust.

"Let me guess, you told Levi that you loved her and she started acting weird." Cal says with a smirk as soon as he sees me. "How did you know that?" I see stare at him with wide eyes. It was really freaking me out how he knew the exact reason I was here. "She came over." He laughed. "She did?" I barely made out. "Yeah..." He sits down on his bed and opens a bag of potato chips. "Well what did she say?" I ask growing impatient with him. "She's scared dude, that's all." He looks at me serious. "So she loves me back? I mean I didn't even mean to say it, it just slipped out. But of course I do I just..." I realized I was rambling and stopped. "Are you serious?" He chuckles. "Of course she loves you. If you can't see that just by how she looks at you then you are fucking blind my friend." He pats my shoulder. "You both need to chill." He smirks. "She afraid that you guys are gonna end up the way you and Veronica did." His tone turns serious.

It takes me a minute to take it what he said. "That's ridiculous. I've never in my life felt this way about someone." I run my fingers through my hair frustrated. "How could she even think that?" I grumble. "She's never been in a relationship, let alone in love before. She's scared to lose you, that's all." His words calmed me down. He was right, but I was scared too. What Levi and I have is nothing like any of my past relationships. I don't know what the hell I'd do if I lost her. Its overwhelming how much she means to me sometimes. "I love her, Cal." I sigh. "I love her so god damn much." I repeat. "I know. But don't tell me, go tell her." He chuckles chewing his food. I quickly get up, thank him for listening and head over to her house.

"Michael?" Mr.Hatfield says when he opens the door and sees me. "Hi...umh...I know its late but can I talk to Levi , please." I ask politely hoping he'll let me even though it almost midnight. "Sure. Is everything okay?" He looks at me before stepping aside to let me in. "I love her." I blurt out when he closes the door. "I'm sorry, I'm just nervous." I apologize making him laugh. "It ok." He smirks and then calls for Levi. "Can I ask you something personal?" I pace back and forth in the living room. "I guess so, are you sure everything's okay?" He asks again. "Is there anyway Levi can get her surgery? I know its crazy expensive but maybe we can raise the money some way...I'll do anything I can." I breathe out. "Slow down. What surgery?" He looks clueless as to what I'm talking about. "The surgery that can fix her vocal cords. Shes never mentioned it to you?" I furry my eyebrows in confusion. "No..she hasn't." I can't tell if he's mad or what. We hear Levi clear her throat, making both of our heads turn to look at her. She looks confused to see me. We stare at each other before her brother breaks the silence. "I'll just leave you two alone....10 minutes, Levi. Its a school night." He looks at her before leaving us alone in the room. "Hi." I smile at her.

Hello again. To what do I owe this late night visit.

She smirks wrapping her arms around me. I put my head in her neck and hug her back. This is my favorite thing in the whole world. Holding her in my arms I feel invincible, like I can do anything.

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I love you so fucking much, Levi." I whisper.

I'm scared .

She pulls away and types, handing me her phone to read.

"You don't have to be afraid. Okay?" I gently cup her face.

I'm scared of losing you.

She looks down sadly, a tear runs down her cheek. I wipe it away pulling her close to me again.

"You will never lose me. I promise you that." I say softly.

We stay like that for what seems like forever. "I should probably go before your brother gets mad." I kiss her head.

She hugs me tight before finally letting go. I was just about to leave when I see her hold up a finger telling me to wait. She types something quick before handing me her phone with a smile.

My heart beats when I read what she put.

•I love you.

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