Chapter 10.

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A/N- Super super short chapter but I haven't updated in awhile so I felt like you guys at least deserved a little something. I promise next chapter will be longer. As always, you're comments make me happy, so let me know what you think. I'll love you forever, hehe :) Xoxo -Sandy!

"How's my gorgeous girl?" Michael bursts through my bedroom door smiling. I give him a quizzical look but smile in return. After giving him a peck on the lips he plops on my bed and lays down next to me.

Someone's in a good mood.

"I'm just happy to see you, that's all." He wraps his arm around my waist. I can't help but laugh at how cheesy he was. "and we're going on a road trip!" He continues with a smirk.


I sit up and look at him. "Yep. The boys and I take a road trip and go to Adventure World every year, and this year, you're coming with us." He couldn't contain his excitement. I grin and kiss him over and over again. My happiness is momentarily put on hold when I realize I'm gonna have to somehow convince my brother to let me spend a weekend, alone, overnight with four teenage boys. I immediately frown. "What's wrong?" Michael asks noticing my change in mood.

Ben isn't going to let me go.

"You sure?" He asks with a faint smile on his lips. I shake my head sadly, knowing my brother would never allow it. "Well I already asked him and he said yes so pack your stuff, babe." His face in a full on grin.


I just stare at him still not believing he'd do all that for me. "Yep, now let's get going." He kisses my forehead and gets up off my bed. I follow grabbing my duffle bag. I put up my finger telling him to hang on one minute. I run down the stairs and engulf my brother in a huge hug. "I'm guessing Michael told you?" He laughed hugging me back. I shake my head. "Well I do have rules." He says getting serious.

Absolutely. What are they?

I was hoping his rules weren't ridiculously unreasonable. "Text me every night to let me know you're okay. Don't do anything stupid, and don't drink or have sex." I cringe at the last sentence.

Oh my god. Deal.

He chuckles knowing he made it awkward for me. "Just have fun and be safe okay?" I nod and smile before I walk upstairs to Michael.

"The boys are picking us up in 15 minutes so we should hurry up." Michael says when I get back in my room. I rush around and pick out some clothes while Michael grabs my toothbrush and hair stuff from the bathroom. "I'm so happy you're coming." I feel his arms wrap around my wait from behind. I giggle as I turn around and kiss him on the lips.

"Who's ready to hit the road?!" Calum yells from the bottom the stairs making Michael and I pull apart. "Coming!" Michael yells back grabbing my bag. "Hello lovebirds!" Luke says cheerfully. I feel my face blush slightly. "I'm so pumped!" Calum exclaims fist bumping Michael.

Thank you so much, you're the best brother in the whole world. I love you.

I thank Ben again and hug him tight before I leave. "Love you too!" He chuckles letting me go. "Now, you boys take care of my baby sister." He says in a very serious tone letting them know he means business. It still cracked me up how he changed from teacher to big brother in a matter of minutes. "Of course." Michael replies with a slight smile. "Okay let's go!" Ashton says heading for the door. "Bye guys!" Ben waves at us leaning against the door.

I've never been more excited for a trip in my whole life.

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