Chapter 8!

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Did he just ask to kiss me?

He tilts my chin up, looks me at me for permission then slowly put his lips on mine. I close my eyes taking it all in. It takes me a minute to process what's happening. I still can't believe this is real.

Oh my god, I just had my first real kiss.

He pulls away with a huge grin on his face. "You're perfect." He whispers. I was still breathless but I can't help but smile as I wrap my arms around his waist and put my head on his chest.

"Uhhh. I take it everything worked out between you too." Michael and I turn and see Ben awkwardly standing in the doorway. "I forgot my wallet..." He grabs what he needs from the table. "Michael can I talk to you for a minute?" He asks. Michael immediately pulls away and goes to him.

They talk quietly so I can't make out what they're saying. "You have my word..." Is all I can hear from Michael before he says goodbye and comes back over to my side.

"Sooo..." He scratches the back of his neck. We both stand there awkwardly.

•I have an idea.

I show him with a grin.

"Okay?" He eyes me suspiciously with a smirk.

•We have forever to do this project. Let's just be lazy today!

"It's like you read my mind." He pulls me to him again and snakes his arms around my waist "I like hugging you." He says sweetly.

•I like when you hug me.

I felt like a little school girl giggling at my crush.

"Hungry?" He asks me and I immediately shake my head realizing I haven't had breakfast yet.

•Order a pizza?

His face lights up at my suggestion. "I knew I liked you for a reason." He winks making me laugh.

He gets out his phone and calls the local pizza place. I run upstairs while he's on the phone to grab some movies.

I get the movies, some extra pillows and wait for him on the couch. "I ordered 2 pizzas and some wings, that good?" I turn around to see Michael in the doorway.

•Sounds good!

I smile and type. "What movies our on the list today?" I hold up "Fast and Furious" and "The Notebook."

•You decide :)

He gives it some consideration, "That's tough, both are great movies. I say we start with "The Notebook" then "Fast and Furious." He sits down next to me.


I can't contain my excitement at his choice. "What?" He looks at me smiling.

•The Notebook is my favorite movie. I'm just glad you picked it.

"Anything for you." Our eyes meet and we just stare at each other smiling like idiots until we hear the doorbell ring. "I'll get it." Michael says getting out his wallet.

We eat, devouring pretty much all the food, then turned the movie on.

I feel Michael intertwine our fingers, making my heart race.

He leans down to kiss me unexpectedly but I move my head slightly. "Did I do something wrong?" He asks looking offended.

I find my phone and start to type.

•No, you're perfect, this is perfect, but I've never had a boyfriend or guy like me before, this is all completely new to me, can we just take it slow?

His smile comes back when he's done reading. "Absolutely."

I lean over and kiss his cheek before laying my head on his shoulder. We watch the movie, occasionally one of us would comment.

"Well I have to go help my mom at the ice cream shoppe, my grandparents are coming in and she's gotta get stuff ready." He frowns.

•It's okay, are you going to come back tomorrow?

"Only if you want me to." He stands up.

•Obviously you dork.

"Oh so I'm a dork now?" He grins before going in to tickle me. We play around for a few minutes before I throw my hands up to surrender.

I walk him over to the door and hug him one more time before he's about to leave.

•Can I ask you something?

He shakes his head looking slightly confused.

•Can I kiss you?

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