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 Britney's POV 

He is back again from work and as usual is drunk. He keeps shouting for a beer but no one has appeared. My ears are hurting because of his shouting and my head is aching mad but I need to hide else he will hit me. Where do I hide? Where do I go? Mummy? Where is she? Has he hit her? Oh no! This monster. I need to get to her. 

Now he is furious and is smashing everything in his way but then my mummy appears. She is so nervous but tries to sound brave and calm him down. But then his palm connects with her cheek and he smacks her.

 "Aww" I squeak as tears flow down my face. Just then he turns his head and asks, "What was that?"

 With burning rage he rummages through the room searching for the source of that noise and I know he will find it; me. 

Mummy sees my movement and tries to pull him back but he does not budge. Suddenly I'm yanked from under the kitchen table. Pulling at my pigtails, he kicks me making me yelp. 

He keeps kicking and kicking and mummy tries to stop him but he does not he just keeps kicking until I feel myself drowning into darkness. The last thing I see before I blackout is mummy screaming at him and whacking him with a bat.

Hiiiiii guys. So yeah this is it the very first chapter. Let me know of your opinion in the comment section and don't forget to VOTE and SHARE.

Love 😘💕

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