Chapter 1

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Britney's POV


"OMG! This alarm is so annoying someone remind me to change it" I say frustrated. Another school morning," Argh!" the thought of getting out of this bed to freshen up and make it to school is just boring me.

 Already the shouting queen; my mother has just begun her daily routine of waking me up by shouting my name and after ten minutes if I don't respond, she is going to come up here and literally pull me out of my bed. 

Wait for it......wait for it......and finally she is here barging into my room as though I don't deserve any privacy. Her pulling me out of bed at the age of nineteen is so embarrassing so I get out bed before she pulls me and drag my feet to the shower. 

She looks at me and goes like "Breakfast is downstairs. Be ready in fifteen" then goes out.

 I don't know what I have done to deserve such torture on a Monday morning also. Well.... I'm not a Monday morning person so yeah. 

When I'm done taking my shower, I now have to face the toughest job of a lifetime; picking what to wear. After about some five minutes, I decide on a crop-hoodie, rip jeans and a pair of Nike AirMax not forgetting my friendship bracelet. 

I pick up my books and stash them in my bag then dash downstairs to have a peaceful breakfast. I hope she does not drag on about my lateness. 

Downstairs, mum has already set the table and is waiting for me. Breakfast is waffles with maple source and cornflakes. As I sit to eat, my mum regards as though she wants to argue about my choice of clothing but then decides against it and eats her food. 

After eating, we clean up and then leave home. The drive to school is peaceful but unusually silent and not wanting initiate any fight, I just keep quiet. 

Upon reaching my school; Bridgeton Hills International, I bid my mum goodbye and immediately spot my two wonderful friends standing or let me say waiting for me at the entrance of the hallway.

 Seeing them there makes so happy and appreciative for their friendship because it means so much to me. Christine-Anette usually called Christi by me is the first to make eye contact with me and prompts Carol about my arrival. 

Carol as usual jogs up to me and gives me a life-squeezing hug that makes me giggle. Christi in her own boyish at the same time girlish way claps me on the back and we make our way to the hallway to begin our day. 

Just as we are asking each other about our various weekends, I recognize that voice which belongs to one person I detest so much. Aiden Princeton; my arc nemesis. 

When I lift up my head, there he is standing in the hallway with his flirtatious best friend; Carson Andrews.


Love  y'all😘💕

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